Asakura Robinson

About Asakura Robinson

Asakura Robinson is a planning, urban design, and landscape architecture firm which strengthens environments and empowers communities through innovation, engagement, stewardship, and an integrated design and planning process.

Our approach is guided by our commitment to interaction, diversity and innovation. We value the ability of the public to participate in our projects, creating places that encourage social interaction, and our staff's deep engagement in our communities. We value our diverse workplace and communities and seek to optimize existing community-based and ecological resources. Finally, we value creativity in our processes, materials, technology, collaborations, approach, and design palette.

We promote inclusive design processes and community engagement to empower underserved communities, expand equitable access to urban resources, celebrate social diversity and instill health, safety and welfare everywhere that we work.

We envision dynamic urban places with accessible transportation infrastructure and engaging, multi-functional, environmentally sound, public gathering spaces that celebrate the unique culture, heritage, shared stories and creativity of the surrounding community.

We steward ecologically responsible resource management, resilient natural systems, and regenerative landscape maintenance practices through thoughtful, research-based planning and design for a more meaningful connection between people and nature.

Asakura Robinson logo

2500 Summer St, Suite 3228
Houston, TX 77007

Branch Offices

Austin, TX







Regions Served Southeast   •   Southwest Planning Specialties Community or Neighborhood Development   •   Comprehensive, Master or Long-Range Planning   •   Downtowns and Main Streets   •   Economic Development and Revitalization   •   Equity/Diversity-Based Planning   •   Land-Use and Development Regulation and Zoning   •   Mixed-Use Development Planning   •   Parks, Open Space, and Recreation Planning   •   Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure/Active Transportation   •   Streetscape/Corridor Improvements and Beautification   •   Transportation Planning   •   Universal Design/Age-Friendly Planning/ADA Compliance   •   Visioning and Placemaking   •   Wayfinding and Signage Services Offered Community Engagement   •   On-Call Planning Services   •   Plan Creation or Updates   •   Project Management   •   Research and Analysis   •   Urban Design Services Business Certification Minority Owned