Reindustrialization and Redefining Mixed-use

Saturday, April 21, 2018 from 10:45 a.m. - noon CDT

CM | 1.25

Location: R01

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  • Methods and techniques for integrating industry and mixed-use neighborhoods
  • Models for combining industrial and urban development, as well as the advantages that each model brings
  • How to differentiate between pre-industrialization, post-industrialization, and re-industrialization, as well as their historical conditions


What does mixed-use planning really mean – is it simply placing retail uses below residential? What if mixed-use planning involved the collocating of industrial uses next to housing and amenities – isn’t the desire to prevent such a situation the genesis of zoning? This session will demonstrate the value of revisiting the links between centers of production and complete residential neighborhoods. The speakers will present examples of healthy, vibrant, mixed-use neighborhoods that are home to housing and amenities as well as family-supporting industrial jobs. Presenters will demonstrate how the nuisances generated by these industrial uses are far less than the advantages that their close proximity brings. The session will also explore the resurgence of local, artisanal production in cities, referred to as “makerspaces,” and how this dovetails with the world-wide revival of post-industrial cities. From urban food production and craft breweries to local manufacturing and artisanal workshops, these production centers are re-industrializing cities and rekindling their natural advantages, from regional branding to self-sufficient economies. Participants will leave with new considerations on what really constitutes mixed-use development and strategies for reintegrating urban industry.

Session Speakers

Donald K. Carter, FAICP
Pittsburgh, PA

Larry P. Witzling
Organizer and Speaker
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI

Stephanie R. Hacker, AICP
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
Waukesha, WI

Wyman Winston
Wisconsin Housing & Economic Dev.
Madison, WI

Activity ID: NPC188195