Evaluate & Update Neighborhood Revitalization Program Framework

City of Des Moines

Des Moines, IA

The City of Des Moines, Iowa is seeking professional services to evaluate and provide an updated program framework for Neighborhood Planning & Revitalization. Established in 1990, Des Moines' Neighborhood Revitalization Program was last updated in 2005. With recent changes in City leadership and a newly adopted Comprehensive Plan, Des Moines needs to assess the effectiveness of its existing program, set goals and devise new strategies for neighborhood revitalization, small-area, and corridor planning.

The consultant/team should have expertise in neighborhood-based planning, program development, and the evaluation of guidelines, policies, and implementation strategies related to neighborhood stabilization and revitalization. The evaluation phase will require both quantitative and qualitative investigation and analysis. Both phases will require gathering input from a wide range of program stakeholders, including City staff, elected officials, partner agencies, and neighborhood association members.

Proposals are due on or before Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 11:30 am CST.

To request a copy of the full RFP, please contact Mike Valen at mlvalen@dmgov.org. Reference RFP V17-051.

Request Type
Wednesday, April 5, 2017