Historic Preservation Building Permit Improvements Project

City of Aspen

Aspen, CO

The City of Aspen is seeking professional services by a consultant or consultant team to assist with the creation of new Historic Preservation building permit requirements.

On occasions, the City has experienced disconnects, miscommunication, and unapproved loss of historic fabric in the translation of a proposal from land use approval to permit to final inspection. This RFP is intended to develop improvements that will help avoid this outcome in the future. Staff seeks an improved building permit review and general site supervision process to more clearly address preservation obligations and methodologies.

Staff intends to have the Vendor selected and under contract by March 15, 2018, with project completion by August 1, 2018. A total budget of $30,000 is available for the project, inclusive of any travel, outreach, and materials. A complete scope may be found on https://www.bidnetdirect.com/colorado/city-of-aspen.

Request Type
Monday, January 29, 2018