Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report

City of Citrus Heights

Citrus Heights, CA

Citrus Heights is inviting proposals from qualified consulting firms to create a Specific Plan and associated Environmental Impact Report for the Sunrise Mall area. The Specific Plan will guide the development of the 100-acre Sunrise Mall Property to support the city's General Plan vision to transform the mall into a premier regional destination and a flourishing center of community life where residents and visitors shop, work, live, and play.

Project Goals

The overarching goal of the Project is to develop a comprehensive Specific Plan to guide the future development of the Sunrise Mall. The intended result of the Project is to create a shovel ready development framework to allow the revitalization of Sunrise Mall shortly after the adoption of the Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report.

The Project goals include:

  1. Develop a Specific Plan consistent with State planning law that results in the transformation of the Sunrise Mall into a premier regional destination and a flourishing center of community life where residents and visitors shop, work, live, and play.
  2. Create a framework for strategic development and decision-making that is supportive of city goals, policies and objectives.
  3. Create a plan that is financially feasible, implementable, adaptive to changing market conditions, and considerate of potential impacts on the community and the environment.
  4. Develop architectural and design standards that promote healthy, safe, and exciting areas for residents and visitors to enjoy shopping, living, working and playing.
  5. Determine infrastructure needs including planning for the upgrade, replacement, or modifications of existing buildings over time.
  6. Develop an Environmental Impact Report that discloses environmental impacts, is legally sound, minimizes CEQA review for applications consistent with the Specific Plan, allows for mitigation of environmental impacts, and flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions.
  7. Implement and improve upon previous planning efforts including the General Plan, Bikeway Master Plan, Pedestrian Master Plan, and Long Range Transit Plan.
  8. Provide sustainable financial benefit to the city and the property owners.

Scope of Work

The scope of work for this Project is comprised of four primary phases:

  1. Community Outreach and Engagement
  2. Context and Market Analysis
  3. Specific Plan Preparation
  4. Environmental Impact Report Preparation

The full RFP is available to download here: Sunrise Mall RFP

Request Type
Friday, August 16, 2019

Contact Information

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