Complete Streets & Streetscaping Plan

City of Broken Arrow

Broken Arrow, OK

The City of Broken Arrow is requesting RFQ submittals from qualified professional planning consulting firms who can assist the City in developing a complete streets and streetscaping plan. The goal is to create a complete streets plan that accommodates all users and all modes and a streetscape plan that triggers economic and social benefits by cultivating interesting and attractive streets.

The overall goals of the Plan are:

  • Evaluate existing conditions to identify deficiencies in relation to the City's complete street streets/multi-modal opportunities and streetscape enhancements that promote placemaking
  • Incorporate stakeholder input regarding physical and perceived barriers to all modes of transportation and aesthetic streetscape enhancements along the corridors
  • Evaluate gateway corridors and streets by classification using multimodal design standards with specific performance measures to be applied consistently with varying context zones of particular land uses and other characteristics of corridors
  • Clarify COBA's role in administering and supporting complete streets and streetscaping enhancement needs now and into the future
  • Prepare a plan that is comprehensive with a unified vision of the community to guide the development and improvement of streets and streetscapes (such as landscaping, fencing, gateway features, and lighting) that will stimulate the local economy, enhance the community's natural and built environment, and address all modes of transportation through a forward-thinking perspective.

The plan will also be used as a guide for capital improvements along the public right‐of‐way as well as recommendations or requirements for private landscaping as properties develop within the City. Design elements may include: street trees, other landscaping, pedestrian corridor design, furniture, signage, lighting, sidewalks, gateway features, and hardscapes.

Please follow this link to the RFQ document for more information and instructions — Complete Streets and Streetscaping Plan RFQ

Request Type
Friday, July 15, 2022

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