Heritage District Wayfinding and Placemarketing

Town of Gilbert

Gilbert, AZ


In response to the Heritage District growth, the Town is seeking opportunities to improve upon the experience of navigating in and around the District. This project requires two critical efforts. The first is a placemarketing effort. This effort will include selection of typography, color, imagery, form, technology, and content that articulates the character of the Heritage District as identified through public outreach completed for the 2018 Redevelopment Plan and the 2021 Heritage District Design Guidelines. The wayfinding effort includes the design of a comprehensive wayfinding system that is sensitive to issues of clutter, maintenance, budget and change over time. This system should reflect various levels of wayfinding (e.g. gateway, vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian, public transit, and art and special events) and proposed locations within the Heritage District for each sign type.

The goal of this project is to implement a functional and integrated system which markets the Town of Gilbert's Downtown Heritage District and communicates that the District is unique, friendly and organized through helping visitors easily find their way to intended and discovered locations. A high priority will be placed on designing a sustainable and successful system that meets all the project goals while remaining within budget. This project will ultimately:

  • Establish a character that visually communicates the Heritage District
  • Improve navigation for all modes of travel
  • Create consistent signage and wayfinding systems across a range of mediums
  • Guide individuals to landmarks, facilities and amenities
  • Promote walking and bicycling within the District
  • Establish a maintenance plan for the implemented system
  • Increase visitation and dwell times in the Downtown Heritage District

Placemarketing Effort:

Consultant will work with the Town and identified stakeholders to select typography, color, imagery, form, technology, and content that articulates the character of the Heritage District as identified through public outreach in the 2018 Redevelopment Plan and the 2021 Heritage District Design Guidelines. This effort should include the presentation of at least 3 themes that communicate the Heritage District character.

Wayfinding Effort:

Consultant will work with Town sign staff to provide a set of templates including dimensions, color palette(s), font families, symbols, and layout to allow the system to expand successfully over time. These items will directly align with the items identified within the placemarketing effort.

Specifications will be brought to a level of detail that can be given directly to a manufacturer for physical fabrication and installation.

Consultant will develop a statement of probable cost for fabrication and installation and work closely with Town staff to finalize sign locations, routing, messaging, materials, sizes, inclusion and count by type and function, in compliance federal and state guidelines where applicable. Consultant will make scheduling or phasing recommendations for fabrication and installation of new signs in coordination with removal of older signs, as necessary, and in coordination with the Public Works Department.
Consultant will establish maintenance specifications for cleaning, replacing and repairing signage.

The design approach will include the following components:

  • Presentation of at least 3 design options for the wayfinding system; reflecting the levels of wayfinding signage indicated in the report: vehicular directional signage, gateway signage, and bike and pedestrian signage.
  • Design primary arrival gateway signs and secondary gateway signs.
  • Design a downtown District Parking Directional and Identification Signage Program.
  • Update Vehicular Wayfinding and signage program consistent federal, state and local regulations, as applicable.
  • Add bicycle signage layer to signage program prioritizing Water Tower Way and the Powerline Trail Canal System.
  • Provide analysis and recommendations an interactive downtown kiosk program including print and digital kiosk platforms and design considerations.
  • Design a Pedestrian Signage Program to navigate within and between key sections of the district and the associated amenities. Program should promote walkability ranges and highlight points of interests within a walkable range.

In addition to the above, Gilbert is interested in understanding how smart technologies can be integrated into a wayfinding program. Consultant will provide recommendations for digital and potential future technologies and infrastructure needed to support them.

The deadline for inquiries is November 22, 2022 at 2PM, Local Arizona Time. Questions and/or inquiries must be emailed to Terry Kelley at terry.kelley@gilbertaz.gov. Questions submitted after this date and time will not receive a response. The Town of Gilbert reserves the right to issue RFP amendments after the question and answer period. It is each Proposer's responsibility to check the website www.gilbertaz.gov/rfp for addenda to this RFP. This Request for Proposals may only be modified by a written Addendum.

The due date for subnittal is December 29, 2022 at 2pm, Local Arizona Time. To receive a copy of this Request for Proposal (RFP) or for information concerning this RFP, including specific requirements and evaluation criteria, please visit www.gilbertaz.gov/rfp or contact Terry Kelley at terry.kelley@gilbertaz.gov.

Request Type
Thursday, December 29, 2022