Zoning Code Update

City of Cathedral City

Cathedral City, CA

The City of Cathedral City is seeking a qualified consulting team to lead and complete a Zoning Code Update for the City. This effort is the long-awaited culmination of goals in both the General Plan and the City's Strategic Plan. The goals for this update are to modernize the Zoning Code, and streamline the land use permit and development process to make the Code easier to understand for all. The RFP emphasizes the need for an innovative Code that is adaptable, modern, and responsive to changes in market preferences. The City's intent is to also be responsive to innovative development proposals that will help Cathedral City be better suited in the competitive development market.

We anticipate the Code Update process will take 18-24 months to complete.

The steps to completing the process include:

  • Solicit a professional team with technical expertise to build a Zoning Code that meets the City's unique and specific needs.
  • Assemble a Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Committee to guide the update process and work product.
  • Host robust public engagement in both English and Spanish, through a series of online and in-person events.
  • Engage in study sessions with Planning Commission and the City Council to discuss segments of the process and product with the professional team and to hear from the Steering Committee and the public.

The successful final product will be:

  • Easy to read and understand.
  • Include tables and images to aid in simplifying complex concepts.
  • Incorporate design guidelines that consider needs of smaller sub-communities (neighborhoods within neighborhoods) that honor existing development while responding to changes in laws that impact all neighborhoods in the City, and across the State.
  • Design guidelines that are objective and adaptable
  • Build in incentives for the type of development the City and City residents and businesses want to see.
  • Reduce unnecessary burdens and barriers to application review that make way for creating good jobs and economic stability.
  • Modernized the City's design and development standards that will reflect Cathedral City as a great place to live, shop and play.

Use the link above to access the RFP or click here for more information.

Request Type
Monday, October 14, 2024