Planning January 2013


Special Issue on Chicago

Rahm Emanuel: Deal Maker in Chief

John McCarron explores Chicago's planning and politics. Zoning, too.

Planning Chicago

An excerpt from a new Planners Press book takes a nuanced look at the city's economy. Brad Hunt and Jon DeVries hold forth in Planning Practice.

River, Front and Center

The city is finally making the most of a major asset. Robert Cassidy tells this Sustaining Places story.

Lakefront Love Affair

Kari Lydersen fills us in on three big projects.

Downtown, Upscale

More and more (affluent) people are living in and near the Loop. Ruth Knack reports.

Web-only Expanded Sidebar: Illinois Center: The Planning History

In Transit

Jon Davis explains how too much congestion and too little money plague the nation's transportation hub. Plus a web-only sidebar: Participation with a Capital 'P'.

From Rooftop Gardens to Deep Tunnels

Stormwater from top to bottom. By Allison Fore.


A regular column by CEO Paul Farmer.


Ballot wrap-up, Great Lakes Compact.

Legal News

Tattoos, Clean Air Act.

By the Numbers

Statistics in the news, compiled by APA's Research Department. This month: Chicago.

Ever Green

Timothy Beatley on the healing power of hospitals surrounded by gardens.


Growth happens, too much traffic.

Planners Library

City-region governance, history of Detroit.


New reports, blogs, videos, etc.


Applause for MAP-21.

Cover: The Chicago River and city skyline. Photo by Alex MacLean,