What to Expect

2024 Planners' Day on Capitol Hill

move forward planners' housing reform agenda

Planners' Day is an empowering experience like no other, where APA brings you into the conversation with members of Congress online.

APA will set up your meetings and prepare you for the conversations. This is a unique opportunity to bring the communities you support to life for the people representing it on Capitol Hill.


Navigating conversations with members of Congress.

From on-demand training to pre-meeting calls, APA has your back as you prepare to advocate for federal action on zoning reform.

Here is what to expect:

  • Training when you want it — Pre-recorded training with APA public affairs staff and discussions with experienced advocates to watch when you are ready.
  • Resources for your back pocket — Prepared talking points and digital leave-behinds that will have you bringing your A-game to the online meetings.
  • A Senate guide — Your assigned team lead will engage you in pre-senate planning meetings to identify the right stories to elevate, at the right moments, in an impactful way.


Tip: Help us accommodate your schedule by sharing any conflicts you have on June 12-13 when you register for the advocacy experience. And in the meantime, hold this block on your calendar to accommodate a congressional meeting.

  1. Register for Planners' Day first.
  2. APA will schedule meetings for you with your congressional offices — We're working with our partners, Advocacy Associates, to schedule your congressional meetings on June 12 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. ET; but some meetings may fall outside this window depending on office availability.
  3. Look for pre-event training opportunities — APA will send out communications ahead of Planners' Day with access to on-demand training. The training will level set you on the zoning reform and housing supply issues in play, your role in these meetings, and tips for leaving a lasting impression on congressional staff.
  4. Prepare your local stories —  Federal action on zoning reform is the focus of your meetings. Now is a good time to start thinking about housing reform stories you'll share with congressional staff.

Tip: Finding stories can take a little work. Try this APA-approved approach:

  1. Find your angle — Give some thought to the story angle that will best resonate with your members of Congress. We’ll cover how to nail this step in the on-demand training we've prepped for you.
  2. Talk to your professional network — Housing, not your wheelhouse? Start putting feelers out in your network. From other planners to community advocates, stories are everywhere. Just ask.
