Relational Intelligence: Our Minds Working Together

Monday, April 23, 2018 from 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. CDT

CM | 1.25

Location: R03

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  • Use visual, auditory, and kinesthetic stimuli to organize, process, and create.
  • Understand which pattern applies to you and what the benefits and challenges are to that pattern.
  • Capitalize on diverse perspectives by building a team with a variety of perceptual thinking patterns and training team members how to make room for and empower each other.


Have you noticed how some people are quick to find their words, while others sit quietly with seemingly little to say? Or how some can quickly draw a detailed image, while others make broad strokes? Or how some seem to know just what action to take next, while others could use a little direction? These differences in skills represent differences in how our minds receive, process, and create, or the diversity of our Perceptual Thinking Patterns™. This session will give you a framework to understand these differences, and tap into the strengths of the different patterns to effectively relate and engage in more innovative, dynamic, and collaborative ways in your workplace, family, and community. Participants will learn how our minds use visual, auditory, and kinesthetic stimuli to organize, process, and create; discover which of the six patterns matches your thinking pattern; explore the biases, benefits, and challenges of each pattern; and capitalize on the benefits of diverse perspectives.

Session Speakers

Bridgit Van Belleghem, AICP
Organizer and Speaker
Dane County Planning & Development
Madison, WI

Activity ID: NPC188196