Why Attend NPC23?

April 1–4, 2023 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

April 26–28, 2023 | Online


Show your organization why and how your attendance at the NPC23 in Philadelphia and NPC23 Online will strengthen your performance and benefit the stakeholders of your organization.

Reports and articles provide good insight but networking in person or online offers fresh perspectives and new ideas developed through conversations amongst peers facing similar challenges.

This "Benefits" Toolkit is designed specifically to help you articulate the benefits of attending the conference. NPC23 offers you subject-matter experts, case studies of peer-tested ideas, innovative perspectives, and the opportunity to make valuable connections with other leaders.

How do you share the value of this opportunity with your supervisor to help justify your attendance? The toolkit outlines NPC23 benefits below..

The toolkit Includes:

  • General tips
  • Expense worksheet
  • Letter of support

Planners make our world a better place to live. Join us to continue that tradition and improve upon the next challenge that faces your community.

Attending NPC23 means forming new partnerships and strengthening old ones, discovering new ideas, and learning new techniques to help your organization serve its community even better.


Here are things to consider when preparing to justify the travel and educational expense:

  • Focus on what you specifically will bring back to the organization in return for the investment.
  • Offer to prepare and deliver a short presentation and Q&A to your colleagues to share what you learned, so that others in your unit will get the benefits of your attendance, too.
  • Share the speaker handouts with your colleagues. As an attendee, you have unlimited access to materials posted by speakers through the conference mobile app.
  • Be ready with a plan that shows who will cover for you while you are attending the conference.
  • Be sure to check out the registration page where all the various rates are listed to see if you qualify for any of the lower rates or discounts.
  • Highlight the networking opportunities. NPC23 will offer dedicated hours for networking with colleagues from around the world.

expense worksheet

The expense worksheet below will help you calculate an overall estimate for attending NPC23 in Philadelphia.

NPC23 Budget Worksheet


Below you'll find a "benefits letter" template — a letter to your supervisor explaining all of the benefits you'll get from attending NPC23 in Philadelphia and NPC23 Online, how they will make you a better employee, and help advance your organization. This general template will get you started while allowing you to customize it to you and your organization's particular needs.