Advanced Specialty Certification
Advanced Specialty Certification Update
Following a 2017 AICP Commission vote, Certified Environmental Planner, Certified Transportation Planner, and Certified Urban Designer credential applications are no longer being accepted. However, the Advanced Specialty Credentials (ASCs) are still supported and recognized in the same way they have been.
Former AICP President, Glenn Larson, AICP, provided more information about the ASCs in his July 2017 blog post.
About Advanced Specialty Certification
AICP Certified Environmental Planner (CEP), AICP Certified Transportation Planner (CTP), or AICP Certified Urban Designer (CUD) members are not only credentialed in planning, they are experts in their specific fields. They demonstrate specialized knowledge and training, are committed to the profession and ethical conduct and practice ongoing education.
Hiring a planner with an Advanced Specialty Certification helps ensure that your organization can provide specialized services to clients and communities with professionalism, ethical standards, and the right skillset.
A planner who holds an ASC credential:
- Has earned the AICP Advanced Specialty Certification by demonstrating the required education, experience, and specialized knowledge and skills
- Maintains the credential by participating in continuing education and upholding ethical practice
- Has at least eight years of work experience in their field of expertise
- Has verified their knowledge of planning by passing a rigorous exam and confirmed their expertise by passing an additional domain-specific exam
Advanced Specialty Certificate Holders

James E. Barnes, AICP CEP
Dennis A. Bechtel, AICP CEP
Glen A. Belnay, AICP CEP
Brian P. Bender, AICP CEP
Stephanie Blanco, AICP CEP
Michael E. Brusseau, AICP CEP
Craig Casper, AICP CEP CTP
Patrick Cleary, AICP CEP
William E. Couch, AICP CEP
Kevin F. Coyle, AICP CEP
Erin A. Degutis, AICP CEP
Michael J. DeRosier, AICP CEP
Robert Edgerton, AICP CEP
Lesli K. Ellis, AICP CEP
John J. Farrell, AICP CEP
Douglas T. Feremenga, AICP CEP
Peter A. Flinker, FAICP CEP CUD
Marc A. Foster, AICP CEP
William P. Fritz, AICP CEP
Stephanie Gallagher, AICP CEP
Gordon R. Gaste, AICP CEP
Peter W. Gower, AICP CEP
John J. Guenther, AICP CEP
Kevin T. Hughes, AICP CEP
R. Porter Ingrum, AICP CEP
Janice Jijina, AICP CEP
Christa Jordan, AICP CEP
Jeff Kane, AICP CEP
Charles E. Kessler, AICP CEP
Derek S. Koellmann, AICP CEP
Sandra Lee, AICP CEP
Abe Leider, AICP CEP
Jacquelyn Lynch, AICP CEP
Kevin R. Maddoux, AICP CEP
Patrick M. Marchman, AICP CEP
Andy G. Markos, AICP CEP
Kristin B. Maseman, AICP CEP
George H. McKibbon, AICP CEP
Richard Miller, AICP CEP
Laurence Miner, AICP CEP
Jacob P. Noonan, AICP CEP
Kim Gennaro Oancea, AICP CEP
Catherine Pagano, AICP CEP
Maureen Paz De Araujo, FAICP CTP CEP
Theresa Pinto, AICP CEP
David J. Plante, AICP CEP
Joseph P. Power, AICP CEP
Richard P. Quasarano, AICP CEP
Patty W. Riley, AICP CEP
Leslie Robbins, AICP CEP
Raymond Robinson III, AICP CEP
Patricia A. Rosend, AICP CEP
Sage S. Schaan, AICP CEP
Anthony J. Scolaro, AICP CEP
Mark A. Towne, AICP CEP
Lori E. Trottier, AICP CEP
Lance Unverzagt, AICP CEP
Andrea Urbas, AICP CEP CUD
Craig S. Vassel, AICP CEP
Jason R. Wager, AICP CEP
Cory H. Wilkinson, AICP CEP
Douglas V. Winkler, AICP CEP
Nancy D. Woltering, AICP CEP
Keith J. Woodcock, AICP CEP CUD
Jackie C. Young, AICP CEP
Shellie M. Zias-Roe, AICP CEP

David Ausherman, AICP CTP
Robert D. Balmes, AICP CTP
Charles P. Barmby, AICP CTP
Nityananda Basu, AICP CTP
Jamie T. Bents, AICP CTP
Robert S. Brown, AICP CTP
Anthony Bruzzone, AICP CTP
Dan Burke, AICP CTP
Wesley L. Burket, AICP CTP
Kimberly A. Burton, AICP CTP
Craig Casper, AICP CEP CTP
Simon Choi, AICP CTP
Lethal E. Coe, AICP CTP
Chris Comeau, FAICP CTP
Laurie Cummings, AICP CTP
Matthew M. Day, AICP CTP
Robert W. Deaton, AICP CTP
Matthew D. Dyrdahl, AICP CTP
James A. Garofalo, AICP CTP
Philip N. Greenwald, AICP CTP
Ryan L. Guffey, AICP CTP
Dharm Guruswamy, AICP CTP
Scarlet R. Hammons, AICP CTP
Bjorn E. Hansen, AICP CTP
Ryan W. Head, AICP CTP
Carlos Hernandez, AICP CTP
Raymond Hess, AICP CTP
Darrell L. Howard, AICP CTP
Martin D. Hull, AICP CTP
Elizabeth D. Hynes, AICP CTP
Aaron Iverson, AICP CTP
Andrew K. Jackson, AICP CTP
Hal R. Johnson, AICP CTP
Alexander E. Kalamaros, AICP CTP
Bruce L. Kaplan, AICP CTP
J. Allen Kemplen, AICP CTP
Lawrence J. Kirch, AICP CTP
John C. Kopp, AICP CTP
Caroline E. Lanford, AICP CTP
Michael D. Larson, AICP CTP
Nickalus Lepp, AICP CTP
Alfredo R. Lopez, FAICP CTP
Lesley D. Lowe, AICP CTP
William F. Lyons, CTP AICP
Suzanne T. Mack-Magro, AICP CTP
Celia McAdam, FAICP CTP
Andrew J. McClurg, AICP CTP
Robert W. McHaney, AICP, CTP
Oliver Miller, AICP CTP
Thomas R. Murphy, AICP CTP*
Zoe Neaderland, AICP CTP
Calvin C. Nelson, AICP CTP
Mike Nilsson, AICP CTP
Steve Noble, AICP CTP
Theodore Orosz, AICP CTP
Costa Pappis, AICP, CTP
Maureen Paz De Araujo, FAICP CTP CEP
Edward S. Peralta, AICP CTP
Benito O. Perez, AICP CTP
Joel Pfundt, AICP CTP
John M. Podczerwinsky, AICP CTP
Daniel L. Prevost, AICP CTP
William E. Pugh, AICP CTP
Cara S. Radzins, AICP CTP
Richard Ravit, AICP CTP
Paula J. Reeves, AICP CTP
Bruce J. Richards, AICP CTP
Thomas B. Rickert, AICP CTP
Jennifer Savage, AICP CTP
Michael L. Schmitt, AICP CTP
Jeff R. Schwein, AICP CTP
Atma Ram Sookram, AICP CTP
Margaret T. Storrow, AICP CTP
Jennifer A. Stults, AICP CTP
Theresa A. Szymanis, AICP CTP
Elizabeth E. Teague, AICP CTP
Ray S. Tomczak, AICP CTP
Diana E. Vargas, AICP CTP
Charles J. Wade, AICP CTP
Trish Wallace, AICP CTP
Thomas M. Whalen, AICP CTP
Leonard Wolfenstein, AICP CTP

Cynthia J. Albright, FAICP CUD, GISP
Trevor T. Barger, FAICP CUD
Christopher P. Barry, AICP CUD
Constance C. Bodurow, AICP CUD
Kevin Chavous, AICP CUD
Harvey Clark, Jr, AICP CUD
Ignacio Correa-Ortiz, AICP CUD
Carrie J. Davis, AICP CUD
Andrew Dobshinsky, AICP CUD
Ela Dokonal, AICP CUD
Kyle Ezell, FAICP CUD
Jason R. Ficht, AICP CUD
Peter A. Flinker, FAICP CEP CUD
Matthew J. Flis, AICP CUD
Robert P. Franke, AICP CUD
Dennis G. Goderre, AICP CUD
Claire E. Hempel, AICP CUD
Jonathan D. Henney, AICP CUD
Fred Heyer, AICP CUD
John R. Hixenbaugh III, AICP CUD
Michael A. Kowski, AICP CUD
Adam Light, AICP CUD
J. Kent Marsh, AICP CUD
Michael E. Nichols, AICP CUD
Gerhard B. Pagenstecher, AICP CUD
Matthew C. Panfil, AICP CUD
Ken Pirie, AICP CUD
Lina M. Rodriguez, AICP CUD
Vaneetha S. Ross, AICP CUD
Shawn Schaefer, AICP CUD
Andrew J. Schwartz, AICP CUD
Kimberly Selby, AICP CUD
Douglas R. Shaw, AICP CUD
Donald P. Shockey, AICP CUD
Janet B. Shull, AICP CUD
Mark W. Soden, AICP CUD
Merrill St. Leger, AICP CUD
Andrea Urbas, AICP CEP CUD
David A. Wade, AICP CUD
Keith J. Woodcock, AICP CEP CUD
Kuei-Kang Wu, AICP CUD
* denotes deceased