Neil J. Angus, FAICP CEP
I specialize in combining elements of green infrastructure/low-impact development techniques, green building, industrial symbiosis, public health and climate change into my work. I am a LEED Accredited Professional with specializations in Building Design and Construction and Neighborhood Development. My recent work centers around the development of an innovative new urbanist active and socially engaging neighborhood that incorporates affordable, compact, energy and water efficient homes, combined with complete streets and pedestrian-oriented design. I utilize performance metrics (Health Impact Assessments, STAR Community Rating System, LEED ND) to evaluate and track holistic impacts of regulations, plans, and projects. I am involved with research in biometrics - using new techniques in brain and cognitive science to study the unconscious behaviors and visual responses people have to their surroundings - which can help inform us about how to better design places for people first.