Anchorage, Alaska
Mountain View Village
2014 National Planning Excellence Awards: HUD Secretary's Opportunity & Empowerment Award
Mountain View Village, one of Anchorage's first neighborhoods with the highest Alaska native population, had one of the lowest incomes and the highest need for revitalization. The Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) selected Mountain View Village for its revitalization initiative, targeting blighted and deteriorated housing. CIHA undertook a scattered site development approach, so housing improvements were not concentrated on a single block or area of the neighborhood. CIHA collaborated with the Mountain View Council (MVCC) to align the two organizations' redevelopment preferences and offer citizens an active role in the planning process. Their goals included decreased absentee landlordism, increased homeownership, and demolition of blighted, deteriorated, or vacant structures. CIHA has invested $84 million in Mountain View in land acquisition, redevelopment or development of rentals and homes for immediate sale, and low-interest financing for homeowners.
Efforts so far have seen the demolition of 130 blighted structures, the building of 277 affordable homes, and 51 new single-family homes built for immediate homeowners (of which 50 have been sold). To date, CIHA has redeveloped 10 percent of all residential units in Mountain View Village. Early results show the effort of the last eight years is paying off — household incomes are on the rise; local schools are seeing increased parent participation and better student scores; and more people are choosing to live in Mountain View Village and are staying in their residences longer.

Alaska Senator Mark Begich, HUD Secretary Shawn Donovan, and Cook Inlet Housing Authority President/CEO Carole Gore toured the Cook Inlet Housing Authority Homes.