Take 5: Urban Planning Books By Women

Women's Planning Literature: Timeless Insights Offered

Curated based solely on passion and personal impact, here are five planning tomes written by women to read during Women's History Month. These books span over 60 years of women working to address challenges in the built environment.


Cover of Planners Press book, Creating Healthy Neighborhoods.

Ann Forsyth, Emily Salomon, Laura Smead (2017).

Explores how to approach health — the physical, mental, and social — to create places designed for living well.

APA members receive 30% off all print book orders from Routledge.com.


Jane Jacobs (1961)

Inspiration for many to pursue a planning career, Jacob's book needs no introduction.


Caroline Criado Perez (2019)

Criado Perez looks at how data fails to consider gender, resulting in ingrained bias in our systems.


Dolores Hayden (1984)

Hayden explores the relationship between gender roles, housing, and society.


Rachel Carson (1962)

The spark for environmentalism and sustainability to take root in America. This led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


What planning-inspired book has impacted you personally or professionally? Share your thoughts via yourtake@planning.org.

Top image: Maria Petrishina - iStock/Getty Images Plus.

March 14, 2023