Planning Together for a Sustainable Future and Sufficient Homes for Our Communities

75th World Town Planning Day Statement
On November 8, the Global Planners Network (GPN) — the largest gathering of national and international planning associations — proudly recognizes the 75th anniversary of World Town Planning Day (WTPD). As dedicated champions of the profession, we take this important occasion to celebrate the achievements of planning, while also acknowledging the present challenges that our world is facing.
This annual observance is a time for celebration and reflection on how good planning improves people's lives and benefits society at large — creating places to live, work, and play. Since 1949, WTPD has been commemorated in over 30 countries worldwide, with planners and the public participating in activities such as lectures, conferences, competitions, fundraising, charity events, planning awards, and street festivals.
The GPN believes that there can be no sustainable development without sustainable urbanization and no sustainable urbanization without effective planning. Together we champion the role of planning in creating a sustainable future for all and in providing homes for our communities.
We also reaffirm that Homes Start with Planning, as decision-makers and professionals gather in Cairo, Egypt, for the World Urban Forum and respond to this and other global challenges.
While we recognize that many of our member nations are facing significant housing adequacy and affordability crises, we champion the role of planning and planners in delivering housing that meets diverse needs and in helping to create equitable, inclusive, and sustainable solutions for all.
We also acknowledge that while regulations have sometimes been perceived as barriers to this work, our profession is committed to promoting policies and practices that support the timely delivery of these much-needed homes in a sustainable and equitable manner.
We believe housing is a challenge that requires multi-level, collaborative, and holistic approaches bringing together communities, private and public sector actors, and all levels of government. And we know that planners and planning professionals stand ready to play their part in harnessing transformative changes for a better, fairer, more sustainable future.
The GPN recognizes planners as proponents of innovation, collaboration, and participation. Planners are strategic thinkers who are committed to solving problems of all scales and across all aspects of society — from climate change and biodiversity loss to housing and healthy communities. Planners also play a critical role in advancing sustainable development and championing the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
World Town Planning Day 2024

Homes Start with Planning
World Town Planning Day takes place every November 8, bringing planners and communities together to celebrate how good planning improves the lives of people and benefits society at large, creating places to live, work, and play.
Argentinian professor Carlos María della Paolera started World Town Planning Day in Buenos Aires in 1949, and today, planners from over 30 countries celebrate the occasion with lectures, school competitions, fundraising, charity events, planning awards, and street festivals.
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