Comprehensive Zoning Code Update

City of Crestwood

Crestwood, MO

The City of Crestwood is currently accepting proposals from qualified firms to perform a comprehensive update to its zoning code and corresponding zoning map. The new ordinances and map shall be in compliance with State statutes and shall be consistent with the City's newly adopted Comprehensive Plan and various community plans.

The full RFP may be viewed at: RFP - Consultant for Comprehensive Zoning Update

With assistance from City staff, the selected consultant will conduct a public process to develop a new Zoning Ordinance for the City of Crestwood. It is anticipated that the consultant will work with the community to develop a "hybrid" zoning ordinance which incorporates form-based standards in established neighborhoods and commercial districts. These standards shall support walkable neighborhoods and mixed use commercial areas. The new ordinance should assist to preserve the character of the City. This update should also incorporate the key concepts of Smart Growth, New Urbanism principles, and architectural design standards. It should include graphics when appropriate. This update should also include modifications to the sign code in order to meet the legal requirements stipulated in Reed v. Town of Gilbert.

Proposals received for this request for proposals (RFP) will be reviewed by an evaluation committee comprised of City Staff and elected officials.

The deadline for written questions is January 26, 2017 at 2 p.m. CST.

Proposals should be marked "City of Crestwood: Consultant for Comprehensive Zoning Code Update" and sent to the attention of Adam Jones, City Planner, and be received at the City of Crestwood Government Center, 1 Detjen Drive, Crestwood, MO 63126. The submission deadline is Friday, February 2, at 4:00 p.m. CST Each submittal should include ten (10) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy on a flash drive.

Questions and inquiries about this RFP shall be submitted in writing via email to the following point of contact:

Adam Jones, AICP
City Planner

Request Type
Friday, February 2, 2018

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