Parks Master Plan

City of Millersburg

Albany, OR

The City of Millersburg, Oregon, seeks to retain a qualified consulting firm to evaluate the existing park system and prepare a long-range plan for park facilities to serve the urban growth boundary.

This recruitment of a qualified consulting firm will be a two-step process. Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) will be reviewed and then one firm will be selected to develop and present a detailed scope of work for the project. That scope of work will be reviewed and modified as necessary to meet the City of Millersburg's requirements, and will serve as the basis for the negotiation of the fees for services.

The SOQ can be downloaded from the City of Millersburg website at, or a printed copy can be obtained at the address below or by contacting the City at (541) 928-4523, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. There is a $35 charge for printed SOQ documents.

It is imperative that those who download the solicitation documents check the website regularly for addenda, clarifications, and other notifications that may be pertinent. In addition, all Interested Consultants known by the City of Millersburg to have received a complete set of the SOQ Documents will receive email notification when additional items are posted to the website. Please call the City at (541) 928-4523 to be added to the Interested Consultant's list.

SOQs must be received in a sealed envelope, referencing "Statement of Qualifications for Park System Consulting Services" along with the firm's name and address no later than 2:00 p.m. local time on Friday, October 5, 2018, addressed to the City of Millersburg, attention Janelle Booth, Assistant City Manager/Engineer, 4222 Old Salem Road NE, Albany, OR 97321. Faxed or electronic (email) submittals will not be accepted. SOQs received after the closing date and time will not be opened or reviewed.

The City may reject any SOQ not in compliance with all prescribed solicitation procedures and requirements and other applicable law, and the City may reject any or all SOQs in whole or in part when the cancellation or rejection is in the best interest of the City, and at no cost to the City.

Millersburg is a rapidly growing city with a current population of 1,835. Approximately half of the 4.65 square miles within the urban growth boundary is zoned commercial or industrial and the other half is zoned residential.

The anticipated scope of work to create a Millersburg Park Master Plan includes completing an existing condition assessment and future needs evaluation of Millersburg's park facilities, preparation of a detailed existing and future park system map, and development of a master plan and associated capital improvement program for buildout of the park system to serve the Millersburg urban growth boundary. Once selected on the basis of the Statements of Qualifications, the successful Consultant will prepare a proposed detailed scope of work and fee proposal for review and modification as necessary by the City of Millersburg.

The following is a preliminary list of key elements of the scope of work that may be modified and expanded upon during contract negotiations with the selected consultant.

  1. Evaluate Millersburg Strategic Plan goals as they relate to park and recreation facilities.
  2. Meet with Millersburg Parks Committee and review their survey and summary results. Evaluate level of service desired by citizens.
  3. Meet with park maintenance staff and review adequacy of staffing and equipment today and to support additional growth.
  4. Complete an inventory, condition assessment and needs analysis of the existing park system including parks, open space, facilities and amenities, trails and bike paths. Identify and map current and unmet needs.
  5. Identify and map future needs and opportunities including new land, new park amenities, trails and bike paths.
  6. Identify staffing, maintenance equipment, and funding needs and strategies.
  7. Develop a capital improvement program that includes projects to meet existing and future needs for parks and amenities. Include project costs, suggested funding and a prioritization of needs.
  8. Assist with development and update of city's Park SDC.
  9. Recommend partnerships to assist with funding and/or construction of facilities and amenities. Identify grants and other funding we are eligible for.
  10. Prepare a draft and final document.
  11. Provide an opportunity for the Parks Committee to evaluate the draft plan, conduct an Open House and a Council briefing. Suggest other reasonable outreach approaches to get community feedback.

Request Type
Friday, October 5, 2018

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