Sediment Reduction Program Implementation

Springettsbury Township, York County

York, PA

Springettsbury Township is issuing a turnkey performance-based RFP to meet reductions required for Springettsbury's 2018 - 2022 NPDES Permit. Interested bidders must acquire the property, permit, build, operate and maintain the most cost effective BMPs to meet Springettsbury Township's sediment reduction requirements of 697,000 pounds of sediment for the 2018—2022 Permit Cycle. In addition, the 697,000 pounds of sediment reduction must equal a 10% sediment reduction in both the Codorus Creek and Kreutz Creek Watersheds. The overarching goal is to achieve the EPA/DEP mandated pollutant reductions and clean-up of waterway impairments within portions of the Codorus Creek and Kreutz Creek Watersheds located within Springettsbury Township.

The project team must construct BMPs, conforming to the PADEP Guidance Documents, that reduce sediment discharging to the Codorus Creek and Kreutz Creek Watersheds by a total of 697,000 pounds. The proposed schedule of BMPs must also equal a 10% sediment reduction in both the Codorus and Kreutz Creek Watersheds. One or more of several methods can be used to implement these BMPs. The vendor must also operate, maintain and monitor the BMPs throughout the 2018 — 2022 NPDES permit cycle. Longer term operation and maintenance considerations will be renegotiated for the 2023 — 2028 permit cycle.

Request Type
Thursday, February 14, 2019

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