Unified Development Code and District-Specific Codes

City of Claremore

Claremore, OK

Unified Development Code and District-Specific Codes
City of Claremore, Oklahoma


The City of Claremore is seeking RFQ responses from qualified firms interested in providing professional services needed to evaluate all current land development codes and develop a Unified Development Code and District-Specific Codes that include a Pattern Book.

Claremore is a growing city of approximately 19,000 residents and unique community with more museums per capita than any other city in the country. The City recently adopted the Claremore 2040 Comprehensive Plan in March 2019 and the Claremore Special Districts Plan in June 2019. The Plans resulted from a 15-month planning and citizen involvement process that included close to 2,000 responses from the community. As a next step in implementation, a thorough review of all existing land development codes and the creation of a unified development code and process that aligns with the vision laid out in the Plans is needed.

In order to be considered, a firm submitting a proposal must have substantial relevant experience in conducting public planning charrettes/workshops and writing and/or revising land development regulations, as well as in innovative thinking that addresses global trends with in-depth knowledge of what works locally.

Anticipated Schedule:

Issue RFQ — July 14, 2019

Deadline for Questions — August 2, 2019

Submissions Due — August 16, 2019 at 10am

Anticipated Selection — Firms should anticipate follow up interview and possible in-person presentation requests. City will negotiate with firms to form a contract for scope of services.

Contract Award — Upon City Council approval (estimated October 7, 2019)

Scope of Services:

Once a consultant is selected, the primary work product in the contract will result in:

  1. Unified Development Code (UDC). The UDC would be a tool to implement and protect the community 's vision as articulated in the Claremore 2040 Comprehensive Plan and Special Districts Plan. For consistency and cross referencing, the UDC is intended to supersede the present land development codes, including: Zoning Ordinance; Land Development Code (Subdivision Regulations, Engineering Design Criteria, and Construction Specifications); and other applicable regulations in the Code of Ordinance, such as:
    1. Chapter 32, Departments, Boards, and Commissions
    2. Chapter 101, Streets and Sidewalks
    3. Chapter 102, Trees and Shrubs
    4. Chapter 150, Building Regulations
    5. Chapter 151, Floodplain Regulations; and
    6. Chapter 155, Landscape Requirements
  2. District-Specific Codes, including Pattern Book.
    1. District Codes — District-specific codes should be included in the UDC to cultivate a unique urban form that is tied to an authentic sense of place in each area. The four distinct district geographies include: West Bend | University District, Will Rogers Corridor District, Historic Route 66 District, and an expanded Downtown District.
    2. Pattern Book — A pattern book of construction drawings for infill development within established residential neighborhoods to create a pre-approved, expedited, and low barrier development option for small and middle-scaled real estate projects that align with the community 's goals. The potential pattern zones would include the gridded street format areas within the Will Rogers Corridor District, Downtown District, and a portion of the West Bend | University District (or within their influence areas). The pattern book would contain six (6) to ten (10) buildings with associated design drawings and generalized site development plans, each designed for appropriate architecture and code compliance.

The City expects a minimum of the following primary activities to be included in the development of the products:

  1. Initial assessment of all land development codes listed under the above UDC scope of work description, building codes, and project review procedures,
  2. Public input and design process with special area workshops and pre-design charrette activities,
  3. Code rewrite and development, and
  4. Support through Code adoption.

To review the full RFQ document, click here

For reference, click here to view the Claremore 2040 Comprehensive Plan and Special Districts Plan.

Request Type
Friday, August 16, 2019

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