Lower Lake Area Plan Update

County of Lake

Lakeport, CA

Task 1 – Project Kick-Off Meeting and Tour

  1. Review and discuss overall format and organization of Lower Lake Area Plan (LLAP);
  2. Determine a typical review schedule for work products and a method which comments should be compiled;
  3. Establish roles and responsibilities of County staff and the consultant in preparing the LLAP Update, preparation of the environmental document and involvement in public outreach efforts;
  4. Confirm the planning area;
  5. Develop a detailed project schedule;
  6. Establish monthly status reporting and project status meeting protocols;
  7. Determine consultation and coordination of the LLAP Update with appropriate governmental and non-governmental agencies , including Tribes; and
  8. County staff will lead a tour of the planning area and highlight areas that are experiencing change or are expected to experience change and other geographic based issues.
  9. Review all applicable local and regional plans including but not limited to obtaining and reviewing all relevant related to the planning area, including community issues and data such as population, endangered species and natural hazards.

Task 2 – Develop Final Work Program

  1. Consultant will work with County staff to confirm final overall work program, budget, and detailed schedule for the Update.

Task 3 – Form a Technical Advisory Committee and Facilitate Meetings

  1. Consultant and County staff will work with the Board of Supervisors appointed Technical Advisory Committee (TAC);
  2. Consultant and County staff will facilitate TAC meetings at key phases in the Update process including Background Report, Issues, Assets, Opportunities, Vision, Alternatives; LLAP Update preparation; and Draft environmental document.
  3. Consultant will present community issues and data such as population, endangered species and natural hazards to TAC.

Task 4 – Develop Public Engagement Plan

  1. Consultant and County staff will facilitate a series of community workshops to engage the community in the LLAP Update. Participants will discuss their vision for quality of life; uses; open space, physical character and design, economic vitality; environmental quality and sustainability and other characteristics of the planning area.
  2. Prepare and produce high quality public outreach materials graphically and in writing describing facts, findings, analysis, and alternatives draft zoning and general plan mapping for public meetings, open houses, webpage, social media, hearings

Task 5 – Prepare the Updated Lower Lake Area Plan

  1. Consultants and staff will evaluate existing area plan strengths and weaknesses and the efficiency and effectiveness of its policies and programs.
  2. Consultants and County staff will prepare an Administrative Review Draft LLAP based on, but not limited to, existing area plan review, community input, projected growth, current community issues and new statutory requirements,
  3. Consultants and County staff will facilitate meeting with the TAC to organize the internal staff review of the Administrative Review Draft LLAP and then revise the Plan to respond to TAC comments.
  4. Consultants and County staff will prepare a Preliminary Public Review Draft LLAP for review by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.
  5. Consultants and staff will ensure that the Area Plan is consistent with the goals of the Lake County General Plan and implementation of the plan follows the programs described in the General Plan.
  6. Consultant and staff shall prepare supplemental objectives and policies that are not contained in the General plan, but that are necessary to meet the specific needs of the planning area.
  7. Consultant and staff shall prepare implementation measures for each policy with a description, responsible agencies, funding consideration, proposed priorities and timeframe.

Task 6 – Environmental Review

  1. Prepare a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the LLUP Update in accordance with the latest procedural and substantive requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. The purpose of the report will be to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the spatial and temporal impacts to the environment that would result from implementation of the goals, policies, and programs of the LLAP Update.
  2. Timing for the preparation of the LLUP and the EIR shall be overlapping so that the information collection can be used for both documents. This will ensure the preparation of both documents will be parallel and consistent.
  3. The Consultant shall be responsible for any and all procedural steps, including (but not limited to), the preparation of public notices, AB 52 and SB 52 notifications, Resolutions, Ordinances, initial Study, Notice of Preparation, Notice of Completion, Notice of Determination, Filing Notices with County Office, Filing Notices with the State Clearinghouse, providing notices to local and state agencies as needed, Statement of Overriding Considerations (if Necessary), Facts and Findings and Responses to Comments. The Consultant shall be responsible for scheduling and conducting scoping meetings. The scoping meeting shall include either meeting individually with or soliciting comments from all responsible, affected and trustee agencies in order to identify and discuss issues, actions, alternatives, potential and significant environmental effects and potential mitigation measures.
  4. The Consultant will prepare technical support reports, appendices, including but not limited to traffic modeling, geotechnical, biological, air quality, noise, GHG emission reductions, and archeological reports.
  5. The County shall review and approve all documents prior to distribution by the Consultant. Policy and implementation programs shall be assessed for their impacts and mitigation measures shall be identified. The EIR shall reference pertinent analysis of the Lower Lake Area Plan sufficient to allow for future development in the County. Cumulative and growth inducing impacts shall also be included in specific sections of the document; the EIR shall consider full building out of the Area. A technical appendix clearly identifying all supporting documents shall be part of the EIR.
  6. A Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Program shall be prepared pursuant to CEQA. This document shall be separately bound document from the EIR. The Consultant shall develop recommended implementation measures and identify each party responsible for implementation, monitoring, capital costs and confirmation of implementation. Recommendations shall be developed for a mitigation monitoring system designed to ensure accomplishment of the Area Plan goals.

Task 7 – Public Review, Final Documents, and Adoption

Request Type
Thursday, February 27, 2020