2021-2029 Housing Element

City of Alhambra

Alhambra, CA

(RFP No. 2M20-12)

The City of Alhambra is seeking a qualified firm to provide professional consulting services to develop a new Housing Element covering an eight-year period from 2021-2029 that incorporates the 6th Cycle RHNA distribution for the City of Alhambra. The new Housing Element will amend the General Plan by replacing the existing 2013-2021 Housing Element in its entirety and be prepared in compliance with state law. The RFP identifies the scope and services with details provided on the expectations of the consultant. The consultant will be required for preparing all CEQA documentation and development and implementation of an appropriate public outreach plan. The consultant will be required to develop a Housing Element that will result in certification by the state by the October 2021 statutory deadline, or other amended deadline by HCD as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, if applicable.

Details can be obtained by viewing the full RFP on the City of Alhambra's website located here: https://www.cityofalhambra.org/bids-notices-rfps

The deadline to submit proposals is noon (PST) on Monday, June 1, 2020.

Request Type
Monday, June 1, 2020