Vision Zero Action Plan

City of Omaha Public Works Departement

Omaha, NE

On January 5, 2022, the City of Omaha will be posting a Request for Proposals for the creation of a Vision Zero Action Plan. The purpose of this Action Plan is to reduce the number of fatalities and severe injuries within the City's transportation system to near zero. The Action Plan will provide a framework that the City and its partner agencies can use to align efforts and maximize success.

The City is seeking a consultant team consisting of local and national talent holding an expert-level understanding of Vision Zero. This team will need a proven track record of guiding a city through the steps needed to develop a powerful and sustainable Action Plan. It is the expectation that the Action Plan will be a living document based on the Vision Zero Network's Guidelines for an Effective Vision Zero Action Plan.

Additionally, following Vision Zero principles, the Consultant team should have the planning and engineering expertise to inform the Action Plan as to speed reduction strategies, policy reform, equity and inclusion issues, identification of vulnerable users of the City's transportation network, innovative public engagement, and graphic design skills; all being critical skills to this planning effort.

Request Type
Wednesday, January 5, 2022