On-Call Consulting Services

City of Fresno, Transportation Department (FAX - Fresno Area Express)

Fresno, CA


FAX is seeking to enter into a three-year contract, with two optional one-year contract extensions, for a set of comprehensive and coordinated consultant services to assist with plans, programs, and activities related to Title VI, Equity, Environmental Justice, and new and evolving federal initiatives, as follows:

FAX Title VI Program Updates, Service Equity Analyses, Fare Equity Analyses, and Other Related Efforts. Large transit operators that receive federal assistance are required to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. These operators are required to update their Title VI Program every three years to ensure that no individual or organization is excluded from participation in; denied the benefits of its programs, activities, or services; or subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin, in accordance with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Circular 4702.1B, dated October 1, 2012. FAX's most recent Title VI Program was adopted on October 24, 2019.

The consultant will help FAX prepare and submit documents that meet current and evolving FTA requirements to develop updated 2022 and 2025 Title VI Programs. As part of each Title VI Program update, and in collaboration with FAX staff, the consultant will prepare and submit a draft Language Assistance Plan (LAP) to ensure that FAX provides meaningful access to benefits, services, information, programs, and activities to persons with limited English proficiency. The consultant will design and support a robust COVID-safe public engagement program with internal and external stakeholders, including strategic and inclusive processes with a particular focus on engaging communities of color, low-income populations, and transit-dependent persons throughout the Fresno metropolitan area with outreach materials in multiple languages. The consultant will review and conduct data analyses, including analyzing and incorporating updated rider demographic data from FAX passenger satisfaction surveys1, updated 2020 U.S. Census data, updated American Community Survey (ACS) data, data from regional surveys, and data from other relevant sources. The consultant will use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for analysis and mapping. The consultant will also conduct a service equity analysis for changes, which, when considered cumulatively over a three-year period, meet the major service change threshold. The Title VI Program updates will be completed by September, to submit to the Fresno City Council for approval in October, and to file with the FTA by December 2022 and 2025, respectively.

FAX periodically plans and implements service changes and fare changes. The most recent Title VI Service Equity Analysis was approved by the Fresno City Council on May 14, 2020. The most recent Title VI Fare Equity Analysis was approved by the Fresno City Council on October 14, 2021. While difficult to quantify, FAX anticipates, on average, approximately two service equity analyses per year and one fare equity analysis over the course of the contract period. The consultant will assist FAX with the preparation of future Title VI service and fare equity analyses, as needed, including data analysis, public outreach plans and materials, GIS and mapping, and identification of mitigation measures in cases of disparate impacts or disproportionate burdens. Regarding facilities, FAX has not prepared a Facilities Equity Analysis; however, should this be needed within the contract period, the consultant will assist FAX with the preparation of a Title VI Facilities Equity Analysis. The consultant will also assist FAX with other related Title VI efforts, as necessary, such as internal training activities, review of FAX Title VI complaint procedures, or other relevant items, that strengthen FAX's implementation of Title VI requirements.

Systemwide Equity Study. Approximately 2/3 of FAX's service area serves disadvantaged low income and minority communities, and according to demographic data collected in the 2018 FAX Passenger Satisfaction Survey, over 80 percent of FAX passengers are both minority and low-income. In the context of nationwide attention on racial inequities and institutionalized barriers to opportunities, FAX will conduct a comprehensive systemwide racial and social equity analysis of its current transit network, as well as its policies, regulations, and internal structures, with the goal of identifying meaningful improvements and changes that can be incorporated into updates of FAX plans, policies, and programs. It is anticipated that the preparatory work for the Equity Study will begin in Fall 2022, upon completion of the 2022 Title VI Program Update. While not fully defined yet, the Equity Study will entail a robust stakeholder involvement process and a comprehensive review of the existing transit network through an equity lens, including but not limited to: service frequencies, geographic coverage, amenities, and access to bus stops; agency plans and policies, including goals, standards, performance metrics, and project prioritization techniques; communications and marketing tactics; technologies that assist passengers with trip making; and other relevant topics. In collaboration with FAX, the consultant will help develop the scope of the study; design and support a robust COVID-safe public engagement program with internal and external stakeholders, including strategic and inclusive processes with a particular focus on engaging communities of color, low-income populations, and transit-dependent persons throughout the Fresno metropolitan area with outreach materials in multiple languages; conduct relevant data collection and GIS analysis and mapping efforts; and prepare draft and final reports, reflecting input collected during the engagement process, responses to public comments and concerns, and descriptions of how the public comments and concerns affected the final recommendations. As part of this process, it is FAX's intent to award financial grants to community-based organizations and other local partners that will assist FAX and the consultant team with specialized outreach. In its final form, the report will include equity-related recommendations for incorporation into updates of FAX plans, programs, and policies, including but not limited to the Fresno Clovis Metropolitan Area (FCMA) Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) and the Fresno Council of Governments (FCOG) Regional Transportation Plan/ Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS), and could help inform elements of the City of Fresno General Plan Update.

Environmental Justice and New Federal "Justice40" Initiative. FAX is seeking consultant support for incorporating environmental justice (EJ) principles into its plans, programs, projects, and activities that receive funding from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), in accordance with FTA Circular 4703.1, Executive Order 12898, and the Department of Transportation (DOT) Order 5610.2(a). Major objectives will be to incorporate EJ principles into the public transportation decision-making process and environmental review documents and establish a framework for creating meaningful opportunities for public engagement, including participation by minority and low-income communities. On January 27, 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order 14008, "Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad." On July 20, 2021, the Executive Office of the President's Office of Management and Budget released Interim Implementation Guidance for the Justice40 Initiative to guide progress toward a goal that 40 percent of benefits from specific federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities. In August 2021, the DOT released a Climate Action Plan with the purpose of revitalizing efforts to bolster adaptation and increase resilience to the effects of climate change. Additional implementation guidance is anticipated over the next year. FAX is seeking consultant assistance to incorporate the evolving Justice40 Initiative guidelines into its plans and policies, and to implement environmental justice principles in public transit that spur economic opportunity and increase resilience to climate change in local disadvantaged communities. These efforts will help ensure that local EJ communities are meaningfully involved in the transit decision-making process and will elevate FAX's ability to compete for state and federal grant dollars, resulting in improved transit services in the FAX service area. FAX is also seeking technical expertise across multiple disciplines to assist with technical analysis and calculations required for successful grant applications.

In addition, should FAX initiate implementation of a capital transit project that necessitates environmental documentation per the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), the consultant will provide basic guidance with regard to the preparation of the Environmental Justice Analysis, with the intent of including EJ populations at all stages of project development.


Desired outcomes include expertise and integration across multiple interrelated planning efforts and timeframes that support FAX in its implementation of the following:

  • Title VI Program Updates, Service Equity Analyses, Fare Equity Analyses, and Facilities Equity Analyses, that meet or exceed FTA requirements.
  • Title VI Training opportunities for FAX staff.
  • A framework for comprehensive and meaningful public engagement serving multiple interrelated planning efforts.
  • A comprehensive systemwide transit equity study that reflects a wide range of community input, is well-accepted by FAX passengers, low income and minority populations, local stakeholders, and City of Fresno elected officials, and serves as a tool and guiding reference for updates to FAX plans, programs, and policies.
  • The incorporation of Environmental Justice principles into the FAX public transit decision-making process and environmental review documents, and a framework for creating meaningful opportunities for public engagement with minority and low-income communities.
  • An approach for incorporating Justice40 Initiative guidelines into FAX plans, programs, and activities to increase economic development and climate resilience in local disadvantaged communities and to help FAX compete more successfully for federal and related grant funds.
  • Well-versed and familiar with state and federal environmental justice screening tools, including the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment's "CalEnviroScreen 4.0" (California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's "EJScreen" (Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool).
  • Technical expertise across multiple disciplines to assist with technical analysis, GIS, mapping, and calculations required for successful grant applications and reports.
  • Preparation of Environmental Justice Analyses for projects that require NEPA action, with the intent of including EJ populations at all stages of project development.
  • Integration, coordination, and internal consistency across all efforts.


Anticipated deliverables over the course of the three-to-five year contract period include the following, phased over time, as necessary and advisable:

  1. Title VI Program Updates. Prepare draft and final 2022 and 2025 Title VI Program Updates.
  2. Title VI Analyses and Other Related Efforts: Prepare Title VI Service Equity Analyses, Fare Equity Analyses, and Facilities Equity Analyses, as necessary, based on proposed service changes, proposed fare changes, and proposed facilities. Provide other related Title VI services, such as internal training opportunities for transit operators and other staff members that directly interface with the public.
  3. FAX Systemwide Equity Study. Conduct research and work collaboratively with FAX staff, transit passengers, community-based organizations, local stakeholders, local elected officials, the public, and other interested parties to prepare a comprehensive systemwide equity study to be used as a tool for incorporating recommendations and actions into FAX, City of Fresno, and regional plans, programs, policies, and activities. The engagement process will be designed with a particular focus on engaging communities of color, low-income populations, and transit-dependent persons throughout the Fresno metropolitan area with outreach materials in multiple languages.
  4. Approach for Meaningful Community Outreach and Engagement Programs. Prepare an overarching strategy for how FAX can and should be reaching out to specific low income and minority populations that are directly or indirectly affected by FAX services or future plans and programs. The approach should be replicable for a variety of planning and outreach efforts and should meet environmental justice outreach principles.
  5. Outreach Materials in Multiple Languages. Prepare outreach materials that will resonate with the public and will generate trust in the planning process and the resulting plans and programs. Deliverables will focus on production and printing of materials in English, Spanish, and possibly Hmong and Punjabi, using FAX logo and color schemes, as well as attendance and note-taking at key outreach events. (Note: Consultant attendance is not expected at all outreach events, only at key events in consultation with FAX staff.)
  6. Framework for Incorporating Environmental Justice and Justice40 Initiatives into FAX Plans, Programs, and Policies. Prepare an integrated framework and innovative approach for incorporating environmental justice and Justice40 Initiative guidelines into FAX plans, programs, and activities to increase economic development and climate resilience in local disadvantaged communities and to help FAX compete more successfully for state and federal grant funds.

FAX anticipates an allocation of approximately 35% of the work hours toward Title VI efforts, 40% toward the comprehensive equity study, and 25% toward the environmental justice and Justice40 efforts. However, FAX is open to consolidating/reorganizing the anticipated projects given the potential for overlap. FAX is seeking consultant teams that exhibit expertise and creativity to help achieve the desired outcomes in the most relevant, innovative, and effective form to address both state and federal goals and requirements.

Request Type
Tuesday, January 18, 2022