Site Reuse & Planning Study

Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments

Bridgeport, CT

The Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments (MetroCOG), in coordination with the City of Bridgeport, PSEG Power Connecticut, LLC, the Bridgeport Environmental Task Force and the South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ), is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to assist in a Site Reuse and Planning Study for the Bridgeport Harbor Station Property located at:

Units #1-4 ("Bridgeport Harbor Station Property")
1 Atlantic Street
Bridgeport, CT

The Bridgeport Harbor Station power plant is owned by Bridgeport Harbor 1-4 LLC, a subsidiary of PSEG Power LLC. In the Community Environmental Benefits Agreement formed during the siting of Bridgeport Unit 5 (an active plant now owned by Generation Bridge II), PSEG agreed to participate in this Joint City/PSEG Planning Study1.

The City of Bridgeport has designated MetroCOG as the Project Coordinator for the Site Reuse and Planning Study and MetroCOG will serve as the Contracting Agency for the purposes of this Study. MetroCOG, the City of Bridgeport, PSEG Power, and the Bridgeport Environmental Task Force will work collaboratively on behalf of all stakeholders to prepare a site planning study to identify potential future uses for Bridgeport Harbor Station. As such, MetroCOG requires credible, impartial, and informed experts to develop a comprehensive Site Reuse Plan ("The Plan") that considers the City of Bridgeport's social and environmental objectives as well as viable economic and development objectives. The Plan shall be the first step towards identifying potential new uses for consideration for the property that benefits the South End, the City, the Region, and the State of Connecticut.

RFP: Site Reuse & Planning Study for Bridgeport Harbor Station

Request Type
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

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