Housing Zoning Code Analysis & Update

City of Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI

The Department of City Development of the City of Milwaukee is soliciting qualification packages for a qualified firm to provide zoning code analysis and develop recommendations to support the City of Milwaukee's Growing MKE project and Housing Zoning Code updates.

This project, entitled Growing MKE, will advance the goals and recommendations of a number of recent City Planning efforts. The City of Milwaukee recently completed development of a Collective Affordable Housing Plan in conjunction with the Community Development Alliance. The City's Environmental Collaboration Office has developed a Climate and Equity Plan to improve environmental sustainability and reduce greenhouse gases. Both of these planning efforts, as well as past City plans such as the Equitable Growth through Transit Oriented Development Plan have made recommendations to increase the supply of housing within the City of Milwaukee and to facilitate new housing development that reinforces walkable urban neighborhoods, transit and job access, and provides a range of affordability and housing choices for all Milwaukeeans. These recommendations are directly aligned with Mayor Cavalier Johnson's Economic Prosperity Vision, which includes a commitment to update the City's zoning code to support new development and growth.

The City of Milwaukee's zoning code was last updated in 2002. While the existing code supports mixed use development, multi-family housing on commercial corridors, and other strong smart growth principals, there are areas of the code that need to be updated to align with evolving national best practices, recommendations included within the City's more recent planning efforts, and to accommodate future population growth and evolving housing needs.

The full RFQ can be found on the Department of City Development (DCD) website (https://city.milwaukee.gov/DCD/RFPs) and directly through the link below.

An Optional VIRTUAL informational meeting will be conducted on February 15, 2023, beginning at 1:30 P.M. CST. (Additional info in the RFQ document).

Request Type
Thursday, March 9, 2023