Zoning Code & Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update

City of Fairborn Department of Development Services

Fairborn, OH

The purpose of this project is to update the zoning code, subdivision regulations, and comprehensive land use plan for the City of Fairborn, including land use map.

The Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 2016. Since then, the projections for the area east of I-675 have changed and therefore the development of the land area needs to be updated. Following the last update to the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Code was updated in 2017 to align with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Subdivision Regulations were adopted in 1977 with updates in 1989 and 2015. We have made some minor edits, but need to update the entire Chapter of Subdivision Regulations and update the Zoning Code in order to align the content with any updates made in the Comprehensive Plan as well as add new content and streamline processes. The updated Code will respect the established neighborhoods and permitted land uses while incorporating legally sound, clear, consistent, and forward-thinking standards, definitions and procedures that align with the community's established plans and Council policies.

The following are examples of elements anticipated to be part of the Code and Plan update:

  • Incorporate this update into the City's existing Planning and Zoning Code and Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
  • The Plan shall align with the Economic Development Strategic Plan.
  • Update Plan projections for areas east of I-675 to include future residential and commercial land uses.
  • Promote the implementation of the Plan development principles.
  • Align future growth and development in the Plan with the purpose and character of the Districts.
  • Address areas of high growth potential with a focus on the Downtown and Eastside Districts.
  • Expand Overlays to protect special features and promote specific development in the Downtown District.
  • Incorporate legally sound, clear, consistent, and streamlined processes, and ensure that interrelated issues are addressed with no inconsistencies or conflict among various sections of the Code.
  • Complete a constitutional review of the Code to ensure existing language is legally sound and consistent with current case law including fair housing laws.
  • Modernize any portion of the Code to allow for flexibility and creativity in land use and housing development across the City.
  • Update the subdivision regulations and zoning ordinance to meet the evolving needs of residents, developers, and business prospects.
  • Incorporate sustainability guidelines into the Code and Plan.

As one of the main tools to lead development across the City, it is essential the updates to the Code and the Plan include progressive provisions that addresses flexible development (mixed-use development and accessory dwelling units), form-based concepts, attractive aesthetics, overlay districts and regulations that are consistent with the City's vision and goals.

Links to both the City's Planning and Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan are below. This Code and Plan should implement the vision, goals and objectives as set forth in the various City plans.

A copy of the existing planning and zoning code can be found at: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/fairborn/latest/fairborn_oh/0-0-0-16548

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2016


The full RFP solicitation is available on the City of Fairborn website at Fairbornoh.gov on the Bid Opportunities page https://www.fairbornoh.gov/services/bid_opportunities/index.php.

Request Type
Monday, April 3, 2023