Housing Element (6th Cycle)

City of San Juan Bautista

Salinas, CA

City of San Juan Bautista is seeking professional consulting services to update the City's adopted housing element in a manner consistent with Planning and Zoning Article 10.6 current State law, ensuring certification of the final element by HCD by December 2023.

Proposals must address the following providing a description and timeline of how they would be accomplished. Additional or optional tasks may be included and creative approaches are welcome.

The final scope of work will be subject to refinement and mutual agreement following the project's launch and further discussion: Project Management and Coordination, Community Outreach and Engagement, Housing and Special Housing Needs, Housing Constraints, Sites Inventory, Goals, Policies, Programs and Quantified Objectives,Rezoning [Optional Task], Draft Housing Element and Public Hearings, CEQA document (assume ND) , Final HE and submittal to HCD and obtain certification.

Request Type
Friday, March 31, 2023

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