Comprehensive Plan

Town of Goldsby

Goldsby, OK


Town of Goldsby, Oklahoma

I. Introduction

The Town of Goldsby is soliciting proposals from qualified consulting firms to develop and implement a comprehensive plan. This plan will serve as a strategic roadmap for the future growth, development, and enhancement of our community. The purpose of this RFP is to identify a consulting firm with the experience, expertise, and innovative thinking necessary to assist in creating a sustainable, inclusive, and vibrant future for our rapidly growing municipality.

The Town's Comprehensive Plan will develop an overarching vision and mission for the community and staff that can be supported by all. It will serve and guide our community and decisions moving forward developing our community responsibly and with sustainability forefront. To facilitate these objectives, the Town of Goldsby is also seeking guidance through alternate cost proposals to include cost to develop Master Plans for; Comprehensive Transportation Plan, Stormwater Master Plan, and a Water & Wastewater Master Plan to ensure improvements to the Town's infrastructure are aligned with the vision and policies of the new Comprehensive Plan.

The public's participation is critical to the development of a Comprehensive Plan and policies that reflect the needs, desires, and decisions of the community as a whole. The Comprehensive Plan should strive for building consensus to facilitate the process. The consultant must design, implement, and guide the public participation process that incorporates multiple effective and innovative participation techniques. Public participation can include, but is not limited to, conducting town halls, public forums, utilizing social media and the City's website to promote the planning process, and receiving community feedback through surveys. The proposed public engagement strategy must include the latest technologies and be creative, inclusive, and consistent, with the goal of channeling this input into realistic development alternatives for consideration by the public, the Planning Commission and the Town Trustees. The consultant will be responsible to formulate and work with a Steering Committee, which will represent a wide range of interests within the City. The consultant team must demonstrate extensive expertise and experience in the public participation, and facilitation processes. With regard to public participation, the consultant team must have strong leadership and creativity to provide clear direction in public participation techniques that result in inclusive yet timely decisions.

It is expected that the plan process will take 12 to 18 months.

II. Background

As of the 2020 Census, Goldsby's population was registered at 2,843 and is now estimated at just over 3,000. Goldsby has experienced considerable growth over the years, a testament to the town's appeal and desirable qualities. Goldsby is characterized by its harmonious blend of rural and suburban lifestyles. Residents enjoy the benefits of a close-knit community while still having access to modern amenities due to being just 5 minutes from the City of Norman and only 25 minutes from the Downtown Oklahoma City metro area. The town's proximity to major highways such as I-35, HWY-9, and HWY-74 connects to nearby urban centers makes it an attractive location for both residents and businesses seeking convenience without sacrificing the charm of a small town. As a forward-thinking municipality, we are committed to fostering responsible development, enhancing the quality of life, and addressing the evolving needs of our residents while we continue experiencing exponential growth.

III. Proposal Submission

Interested consulting firms are invited to submit their proposals, including:

  1. Qualifications:
    1. Background statement describing the firm(s), capabilities, principals, staff availability, and location.
    2. Relevant project experience, including at least three (3) similar projects with references.
  2. Project Approach: Proposed approach and methodology for the comprehensive plan based on the provided scope of work Provide description of any additional or optional tasks.
  3. Schedule: Work plan with a detailed breakdown of tasks, milestones, and timeline.
  4. Proposed Team:
    1. Organization chart defining team member roles.
    2. Resumes of all key personnel (limited to one page each)
  5. Project Budget: Submit a not-to-exceed cost for the project, with estimated cost, by task. Include all costs associated with the project, including travel and material expenses.
    1. Please provide separate pricing for the Updates to Codes and Regulations and individual Master Plans referencing back to the Comprehensive Plan.

IV. Submission Deadline & Scheduling

Proposals must be submitted electronically to no later than December 12th, 2023 no later than 4:00 P.M. Late submissions will not be considered.

Milestone(s) & Schedule

  • RFP Released October 2nd, 2023
  • *Pre-Proposal Conference October 17th, 2023 @ 4:00 P.M. CST
  • Questions Due to the Town Administrator November 7th, 2023
  • Responses Posted November 14th, 2023
  • Proposals Due to the Town December 12th, 2023 no later than 4:00 P.M.
  • Proposal Evaluation and Interviews December 13th, 2023 – January 5th, 2024
  • Contract Negotiations and Contract Award by Trustees January – February 2024

*Applicants may attend the Pre-Proposal Conference Microsoft TEAMS meeting listed in the calendar above if there are any questions pertaining to the RFP. See below for link and login information to the Pre-Proposal Conference meeting.

*Pre-Proposal Conference Microsoft TEAMS Meeting October 17th, 2023 at 4:00pm CST.

Meeting Join Link:

Meeting ID: 259 735 652 92
Passcode: SB5hyu

V. Instructions for Responding

Please provide one (1) digital copy of the proposal. The submittal may be submitted via email to

VI. Contact Information

For inquiries or clarification, please contact:

Adam Vossen
Town Administrator

We look forward to receiving your proposal and partnering with a qualified consulting firm to shape the future of the Town of Goldsby.


Adam Vossen
Town Administrator
Town of Goldsby, OK

Request Type
Tuesday, December 12, 2023