Unified Development Ordinance

City of Rincon

Rincon, GA


The City of Rincon, GA is seeking proposals for professional consulting services from qualified firms to prepare a Unified Development Ordinance ("UDO"). The UDO shall incorporate regulations related to subdivisions, sign ordinance, current zoning and land use, environmental and flood, manufactured and mobile homes, public facilities and infrastructure, stormwater, utilities and roads, Downtown, Industrial and Corridor Overlay District Design Standards and other associated regulations. The City of Rincon has a zoning ordinance, but it has lacked a comprehensive update since 2010.


The main goals for this project include the following:

  • Produce development regulations that address contemporary development and zoning practices and are easily understood by staff, the public, and the development community.
  • Streamline, simplify and standardize the City's development approval process.
  • Ensure development includes high quality design and appropriate landscaping standards.
  • Provide opportunities for innovative and creative approaches to residential, commercial, and industrial development.
  • Encourage a variety of housing product types and sizes for a wide range of income levels and household types in existing and new neighborhoods.

The document will recommend and incorporate updates to all portions of the code and will also be used to incorporate standards that the community has expressed interest in, including but not limited to parking, short-term rentals and multi-family regulations. The UDO will implement the recommendations of the Character Map adopted in the City's Comprehensive Plan.

Community Input Format

The consultant team shall develop insights through surveys, focus groups, and interviews of various stakeholders to determine what changes are needed based on the specific needs and unique community character of Rincon.


A written UDO draft that clearly meets the City's goals. The consultant team shall ensure compliance with all applicable State of Georgia statutes and federal regulations. The UDO is expected to rely heavily on graphics to communicate and support regulations. The Zoning Map will be updated in-house; however, the consultant shall review and make recommendations for changes to the Zoning Map. With the draft, the consultant team shall recommend the best method for managing and maintaining codification and updates to the UDO. The final UDO shall be presented in a manner suitable for both print, electronic, and online publication.

Project Timeline

The UDO shall be completed and ready for adoption in 9 – 12 months.

Submittal Requirements

Proposals shall consist of the following (one digital and one hard copy):

  1. A proposal consisting of:
    1. A cover letter that includes a brief statement describing why your firm is qualified to undertake the work requested and identifies the principal individuals that will provide the requested services, including any sub-consultants;
    2. A description of the general approach to be taken toward completion of the project;
    3. A scope of work that includes detailed steps to be taken, including any products or deliverables resulting from each task;
    4. A summary of estimated labor hours by task that clearly identifies the project team members and the number of hours performed by each team member by task;
    5. A proposed schedule that indicates project milestones and overall time for completion;
    6. A list of individuals that will be committed to this project and their professional qualifications. The names and qualifications of any sub-consultants shall be included in this list;
    7. Demonstration of success on a minimum of three (3) similar projects, including brief project descriptions and contact names and addresses for reference.
    8. A list of a minimum of three references with their contact information.
  2. A separate cost proposal consisting of a composite schedule by task of direct labor hours, direct labor cost per class of labor, overhead rate, and fee for the project. If the use of subconsultants is proposed, a separate schedule must be provided for each.

Scoring Rubric

The Selection Committee will review technical proposals based on the following criteria:

  • Qualifications of the firm and the personnel to be assigned to this project (20 Pts.);
  • Experience of the consultant personnel working together as a team to complete similar projects (15 Pts.);
  • Demonstration of overall project understanding and insights into local conditions and potential issues (25 Pts.);
  • Submission of a complete proposal with all elements required (15 Pts.);
  • A positive response from references (15 Pts.); and
  • Cost proposal. (10 Pts).


All questions regarding this RFP must be made in writing and directed by electronic mail to the Planning and Development Director, Teri Lewis at tlewis@rinconga.gov. The deadline for submitting questions shall be 5:00pm EST on Monday, November 20, 2023. No inquiry received after that time will be given consideration. The written questions, along with the City's responses, shall be circulated to all known prospective proposers by 3:00pm EST on Tuesday, November 21, 2023.

Submission of Response and Deadline

Proponents shall submit one (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy (thumb drive or equivalent) of their response:

No later than 5:00pm EST Monday, December 4, 2023.

Responses must be received in the City office before the due date and time, submitted in a sealed envelope or container stating on the outside:

Unified Development Code RFP Response

Submitted by

(Respondent's name, address and title)

Responses may be mailed or hand delivered as follows:

Teri Lewis
Planning & Development Director
City of Rincon
302 S Columbia Avenue or PO Box 232
Rincon, GA 31326

All responses shall be signed and dated. Responses received after the deadline will not be considered.

Request Type
Monday, December 4, 2023

Contact Information

Contact Email