Comprehensive Plan Graphics
City of Marysville
Marysville, WA
501 Delta Avenue - Marysville, WA 98270 - (360) 363-8100
The City of Marysville (City) received grant funds from the Washington State Department of Commerce to assist with the update of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City has allocated some of the funds from the Commerce grant to enhance the graphic appeal and usability of its Comprehensive Plan. In order to fulfill the grant obligations, the City is requesting proposals from firms capable of providing graphic design services for the Comprehensive Plan update. The work will primarily be conducted from February to June 2024; however, may extend through December 2024 as needed.
The Comprehensive Plan "the Plan" is a long range planning document that establishes the future direction for growth within the City. The Plan undergoes a major update every 10 years. As part of the current update, which is ongoing through 2024, the current Plan will not only be updated to include current growth plans, goals, and policies, but is also proposed to:
- Be shortened (estimated final length of about 250 pages +/-);
- Provide variation within individual chapter and page layouts while also ensuring that the overall Plan has a cohesive graphic design theme;
- Promote a fresh, contemporary yet timeless aesthetic that incorporates City branding (e.g. color package, logos, etc.);
- Have enhanced usability; and
- Incorporate more images, charts, and graphics.
The consultant team will be responsible for designing the overall layout and graphic design theme for the Plan including the design of individual chapter and page layouts, and incorporating text, graphics and charts provided by the City into the pages of the Plan. The services consist of, and the successful graphic design firm will provide, the following:
- Art direction, concept design and production, and project management of the graphic design for the Plan;
- The capacity to complete an average of 50 pages of page layout design per month beginning in February 2024;
- Skill in using Adobe InDesign software, and the ability to deliver a finished Plan in INDD format so that the Plan may be edited and updated as needed;
- All design, materials, and concepts incorporated within the Plan suitable for printing by a separate contractor;
- Upon acceptance of the Plan design and concepts, the City will retain all intellectual property rights to the finished product; and
- The City anticipates awarding a contract for services that will extend June 2024; however, may be extended as needed through December 2024.
Other deliverables may be added, or needed, at the discretion of the City or by recommendation of the consulting firm.
Provide one (1) electronic copy of your firm's proposal for the City's review and consideration. Each proposal should address the following:
- Detailed description of the graphic design firm's past experience with projects of a similar scope and complexity, and appropriate qualifications. The statement should include a detailed description and contact person for projects that were similar in nature and scope to this project;
- Provide a resume for each individual who will be assigned to provide the services and designate the individual who would have primary responsibility for overseeing the services, including all relevant contact information.
- Provide examples of quality work that is similar in nature to the proposed project, and/or best illustrates the firm's design aesthetic and capabilities in completing a project of this nature;
- Attributes of your firm which may set it apart, or make it particularly well-suited to provide graphic design services for the Plan update;
- Anticipated fees and expenses associated with the design work.
- If based on an hourly rate, provide the hourly rates to be charged for each individual who would work on the project;
- Provide an explanation of fees if they will be calculated on any other basis; and
- It is anticipated that a 'not to exceed' amount of $15,000 will be established for these services.
- Ability to complete the majority of the work by June 15, 2024 with availability to complete additional work, as needed, through December 31, 2024.
The City's selection process will focus on the firm's qualifications, experience, capabilities, and design aesthetic. The City expects firms to demonstrate a clear and thorough understanding of the work to be undertaken, and the ability to implement the desired vision. After review of proposals by the City's selection committee, top firms may be invited to present their proposal to the selection committee and respond to questions. Generally, proposals and presentations will be ranked relative to the following selection criteria, in no weighted order:
- Firm's expertise and experience on similar projects;
- Quality of work of individual(s) assigned from firm;
- Demonstrated project understanding and insight;
- Shared aesthetic vision for the Plan layout and update;
- Cost of services, and ability to complete the majority of the project by June 15, 2024, with the ability to continue providing services as necessary through December 31, 2024.
- Responsiveness of firm to the RFP categories.
RFP RELEASE DATE: December 15, 2023
RFP DUE DATE: Proposals are due to the City of Marysville Community Development Department no later than 4 pm on January 12, 2024.
Angela Gemmer, Principal Planner
City of Marysville Community Development Department
501 Delta Avenue
Marysville, WA 98270
360.363.8240 or