Greenway Feasibility Study

French Broad River MPO

Asheville, NC

This RFLOI is to solicit responses (LETTERS of INTEREST, or LOIs) from qualified firms to provide professional consulting services to:

Develop a feasibility study to look at potential alignments to connect the planned (and funded) Woodfin/Beaverdam Creek Greenway (EB-5774) in the Town of Woodfin, North Carolina to the planned Reems Creek Greenway (EB-5821) in Weaverville, North Carolina.

With the expectation that the Woodfin Greenway and Beaverdam Creek Greenway (EB-5774) projects will be completed in the next several years, the study will look at potential alignments for continuing the greenway north to connect to the Town of Weaverville and specifically the planned Reems Creek Greenway (EB-5821) running from roughly Future I-26 to the Karpen Soccer Fields.

This project is also expected to include significant coordination with NCDOT. One project, A-0010AA, the planned widening of Future I-26 from Broadway Street to Weaver Boulevard is currently funded in the TIP/STIP. Another project in P 7.0, is for improvements to the Weaverville Highway from New Stock Road to Wembley Drive.

Request Type
Friday, April 19, 2024