Community Hub Feasibility Study and Needs Assessment

Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan

Detroit, MI

Please review complete RFP linked here.

The intent of this request is to obtain the services of a firm, hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant" to perform professional services for Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan, hereinafter referred to as the "GSSEM." GSSEM is looking for the services of a multi-disciplinary team with the recreation facility design and construction plan experience required to assist staff prepare for the elements outlined in this proposal.

GSSEM is seeking a qualified Consultant to provide conceptual design, site assessment, cost estimation, and community engagement facilitation services for the development of several community centers designed to bring GSSEM programming to youth in Southeastern Michigan. These spaces will include areas to hold GSSEM Pillar Programming (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math, Outdoor Education, Entrepreneurship, Life Skills), with the equipment and set up necessary to offer the areas of programming deemed most appropriate for each specific community hub. The space will also be utilized for recruitment of new Girl Scouts and volunteers, retention of existing Girl Scouts and volunteers, and GSSEM member and volunteer support services. The feasibility study shall explain the type, size, programs, costs, and strategic relationships required to potentially construct the community centers.

GSSEM is interested in partnering with other organizations and resources within the community to provide these services, including opening any of the Community Hubs within cooperative spaces already operated by partner organizations.

The Consultant shall have a proven track record of developing successful feasibility studies, market assessments, and program development documents to influence the design and construction of these multi-purpose programming centers.

GSSEM requires the skills and competencies of a professional planning and design team to include the following expertise:

  • Community Center Design: The team must include an individual(s) and/or firm with expertise in the planning, program development, design, needs assessments, and feasibility studies associated with community centers.
  • Project Business and Financial Analysis: The team must include individual(s) and/or firm with expertise in construction cost estimating, forecasting of operating and maintenance expenses, marketing analysis, and an understanding of government general fund and enterprise government funding.

General Scope of Services

  1. Project review, SWOT analysis, identify parameters of project.
    1. Meet with GSSEM Executive Team and develop an outline of critical issues, concerns, and objectives for the project.
    2. Review objectives of community hubs and financial opportunities and limitations.
    3. Review existing data of GSSEM membership and program utilization.
    4. Review existing facilities, programs, and services.
  2. Demographics and Market Analysis
    1. Identify service areas.
    2. Complete a competitive market analysis including rates, demographics and geographic location of population served, attendance numbers, services offered, and cost of current services offered.
    3. Consider not only historical and current demographic data, but also long-range projection data considering any potential population shifts in proposed Community Hub locations.
    4. Identification of potential community partners to collaborate with on Community Hub model and analysis of best approaches to partnerships.
  3. Community Engagement
    1. Develop and conduct a community wide online survey of potential users. Evaluate and interpret survey results.
    2. Conduct stakeholder interviews in each potential community hub area (3 per area). Current facility users, potential users, potential partners, etc.
    3. Conduct focus group sessions (4). Identify key interest groups.
    4. Compile and interpret all information received.
  4. Programming
    1. Develop project component recommendation/prioritization/space needs.
    2. Work with GSSEM Chief Program Officer to outline potential programming within GSSEM pillars, amenities, facilities, and other desired considerations.
    3. Work with GSSEM Deputy Chief Membership Office to develop an outline of potential amenities, facilities, and resources needed for recruitment, retention, and member support activities within the Community Hubs.
    4. Develop operating structure and parameters.
  5. Site Analysis and Concept solutions
    1. Identify all possible sites, analyze each, recommend site preferences.
    2. Must consider modifications to existing facilities, collaboration within partner facilities, or potential new facilities.
    3. Develop site plan, spatial relation of components, phasing plan, conceptual plans.
  6. Operations Analysis
    1. Analyze the feasibility of the proposed concept(s) through the lens of long-term facilities operations and programming. Prepare an operating pro forma estimating the likely operating costs and revenues of facilities.
    2. Identify significant differences in cost between alternative concepts. Prepare an analysis of the relative strengths and weaknesses for each alternative.
    3. Develop reports addressing each: Attendance estimates, fee/rate structure, sources of income, operating cost projections, staffing levels/requirements, revenue generation projections, cost recovery level
  7. Project Capital Cost Estimate
    1. Site limitations/opportunities
    2. Site prep/infrastructure costs
    3. Building construction costs
    4. Equipment costs
    5. Soft Costs, furniture, fixtures, and equipment cost.
    6. Total project cost estimate
  8. Funding Analysis
    1. Identify possible funding sources
      1. Fundraising, donations, grants, sponsorships
      2. Identify partnerships and their ability to obtain funds based on type of institution
      3. Identify potential economic impact of project to the community
    2. Determine the potential economic impact of the project to the community
  9. Final Report
    1. Written final report
    2. Conceptual drawings
    3. Presentation of report to GSSEM Executive Leadership (1) and the GSSEM Board (1).

Project Oversight and Communication

GSSEM's Chief Executive Office will be responsible for managing the project, including providing direction and assistance to the consultant. They will also provide general oversight on the administration for the contract, invoicing, and reporting. The GSSEM Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Research and Evaluation will assist throughout the project.


The proposal shall contain the type of information summarized below. Additional information is allowable, providing it is directly relevant to the proposed project.

Proposal Format

The submittal should follow the Table of Contents listed below:

  1. General Firm Introduction (include your firm's expertise in relation to the project)
  2. Project Understanding
  3. Project Approach
  4. Proposed Project Team and Experience
  5. Proposed Timeline
  6. Statement of why your firm should be selected
  7. Any Additional Information as Needed
  8. Consultant Cost
  9. Insurance Certificate

A brief description of each section is as follows:

  1. Give general information and a brief history of the consulting firm. Include similar information on key sub consultants, if any, proposed for the project.
  2. Project Understanding. Include a summary of the Consultant's understanding of this project.
  3. Project Approach. Provide specific approaches, methods, and assumptions that will be utilized to accomplish each work item.
  4. Proposed Project Team and Experience. Identify the key project team members and describe their specific roles on the project. Include key team members from sub consultant firms, if any.
    1. Describe relevant experience and provide information on at least three (3) reference projects completed in the last six (6) years. Provide references and contact information.
    2. Include one-page resumes only for key members of the project team, including field personnel.
  5. Proposed Timeline. The project will begin as soon as a consultant is selected. The consultant is to propose a timeline that shows how this project will be delivered. The timeline should include a list of key tasks within each phase, key milestones, approximate dates, and deliverables.
  6. Statement Explaining Why Your Firm Should be Selected to Perform Services for This Project. Several firms have been asked to respond to this Request for Proposal. Explain why your firm is the best qualified for this project.
  7. Additional Information. Include any other information believed to be pertinent but not specifically requested elsewhere in this RFP.
  8. Total Consultant Cost. The Consultant cost should be separated as follows:
    1. Not to exceed total cost.
    2. Hourly rates for all Consultant employees expected to work on this project. These rates shall be the agreed upon costs for any additional services requested by the City, above what has been detailed in the RFP.
    3. Reimbursable costs including detail of service or item and applicable charge per unit.
    4. The proposal must include a statement as to the period during which the proposal remains valid. This period must be at least ninety (90) days from the date of the submittal. **Proposals that do not include a ‘Not to Exceed' cost will be disregarded without further consideration. The proposing firm is responsible for accurately predicting the amount of time they require for services.
  9. Insurance Certificate. Indicate ability to provide all necessary insurance certificates.

Consultant Selection

Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by GSSEM staff and based on the following criteria:

  1. Consulting firm and key project staff experience.
  2. Proven track record in successfully completing similar projects on time and within budget (successful experience of both the firm and the team members will be considered).
  3. Proposed approach to completing the project.
  4. Consultant's familiarity with recreation facility and youth development programming and architecture.
  5. Proposed project schedule.
  6. Proposed Consultant cost.

Following review of the proposals by GSSEM, only selected Consultants may be asked to make oral presentations of their proposals to GSSEM representatives. Upon conclusion of the presentations, if requested, staff will select a Consultant to negotiate a contract as follows:

  1. If a firm cannot commence the services in that firm's proposal within thirty (30) days of the award, GSSEM reserves the right to contract with another qualified firm.
  2. GSSEM shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the Consultant prior to signing a contract including the proposal preparation, attendance at interviews, and/or final contract negotiations.
  3. The Proposal must be signed by an official authorized to bind the Consultant to its provisions included in an eventual contract. The Proposal must include a statement as to the period during which the proposal remains valid. This period must be at least 90 days (about 3 months) from the date of the submittal.
  4. GSSEM the right to reject all proposals or to request additional information from any or all of the proposing firms.[1]

[1] We extend our thanks to the City of Hibbing for their Multi-purpose Community Center Feasibility Study RFP, which served as the foundation for this proposal.

Request Type
Wednesday, July 31, 2024