Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan

Cambria County Planning Commission

Ebensburg, PA


This version of the RFP has been edited to meet posting requirements. Proposers should not use this version of the RFP to develop their proposals. For a full original copy of the RFP please visit


The Cambria County Planning Commission (herein referred as "CCPC") will be applying for DCED Municipal Assistance Program (MAP) funding and is seeking proposals from qualified planning consultants to provide develop a comprehensive plan for the West Hills Region in compliance with the latest edition of the PA Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) and guided by the planning principles and objectives set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) regarding creating an implementable plan. The comprehensive plan will present a vision for the West Hills Region's future and a context for attaining its goals. The plan will outline action plans (focusing on the next 1 to 10 years), means of financing, and capacity to implement.


All proposers are required to submit ten hard copies and one electronic copy (flash drive) of the proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked:


Cambria County Planning Commission
ATTN: Shanna Murphy Sosko, Community Development Planner
401 Candlelight Drive, Suite 213
Ebensburg, PA 15931

The proposal must be received no later than 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Friday, August 2, 2024.

All parties are bound by the deadline and location requirements of this RFP. Incomplete submissions will not be accepted. Proposals must be mailed or hand delivered. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted. All proposals shall remain effective subject to CCPC's review and approval for a period of ninety days from the deadline of submitting proposals and shall be signed by a duly authorized official. Documents / information submitted in response to this solicitation may be discoverable under Pennsylvania's Right to Know Law. CCPC will not be responsible for any costs associated with the oral or written presentation of the proposals.

CCPC further reserves the right to make such investigations as it deems necessary as to the qualifications of any and all firms submitting proposals. CCPC reserves the right to re‐solicit proposals.


All inquiries concerning this RFP must be submitted in writing or via email addressed to:

Cambria County Planning Commission
Attn: Shanna Murphy Sosko, Community Development Planner
401 Candlelight Drive, Suite 213
Ebensburg, PA 15931
814-471-1804 or

There will be an optional pre-application Microsoft TEAMS meeting for questions and answers held on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 10:00 AM. Interested parties should contact Ms. Murphy Sosko by phone or email no later than Friday July 5, 2024 at 3:00 PM EST to be registered for the TEAMS meeting.

Deadline for inquiries is July 19, 2024 at 12:00 PM EST. Questions received will be compiled and a response will be issued in the form of an addendum that will be posted on the CCPC website, no later than July 24, 2024 4:00 pm EST. The written specifications will be considered clear and complete unless written attention is called to any apparent discrepancies or incompleteness before the opening of the proposals. Should any alterations to the specifications be made, written addenda will be posted to the website. Addenda will be emailed upon request. No interpretations of the meaning of the RFP documents will be made to any bidder orally. All requests shall be responded to in writing and posted as part of Q&A answers listed on CCPC website. Communications not adhering to this policy may be grounds for disqualification of proposals.


Submissions shall be made in the following format:

  1. Cover sheet with Firm name, Address, Contact information, and Project Title.
  2. Letter of Interest (1 page).
  3. Executive Summary (1 page).
  4. Brief organizational profile, including background and experience of the firm(s). Location of office from which the project management will be performed. Project organization chart including key staff to be assigned and their roles in the project. A statement shall be included indicating current workload of assigned staff and their capacity to undertake this project in a timely manner.
  5. Key Personnel to be utilized on this project and their expertise in developing comprehensive plans, as well as capacity to complete the project in a timely manner. Resumes shall be included here. A listing of the percentage of total project hours worked by each employee in relation to the total project shall be included.
  6. Narrative addressing the consultant's understanding of the scope of service/activities to be provided, timeline of completion including a public meeting schedule, and Overall project approach / process to be employed.
  7. Equity Lens: Narrative incorporating an equity lens throughout the planning process ensures that the comprehensive plan addresses disparities and prioritizes equitable outcomes for all residents, particularly those from historically marginalized communities.
  8. Listing of proposed deliverables for each work step in compliance with the MPC. Consultants must provide a work program for all tasks within each phase of the project.
  9. Narrative proposing innovative solutions and approaches to address the West Hills Region's challenges can lead to more creative and impactful comprehensive plans. This can include leveraging technology, data analytics, and best practices from other municipalities.
  10. Consultant firm's experience and references, including Comprehensive Plan (as defined by the PA MPC) experience and knowledge of Federal, State and local code and regulations. Listing, description, and link to similar projects that have been completed in the past 5 years by the prime consultant and/or proposed subcontractors. Reference list (minimum of three) that may be contacted by the West Hills Region for recently completed similar projects.
  11. Technical and price proposal of services to be provided, including but not limited to estimated time per activity, wages, travel, copies, etc. The Proposal shall include a lump sum fee as well as a detailed budget. The consultant's bid must also include any related expenses, such as travel. The budget must include an hourly rate schedule and estimated number of hours to be performed by each staff member assigned to the project. If any work is to be subcontracted, the Proposal should reference the specific areas and costs. Costs for GIS services and all costs related to meetings shall also be specifically listed. Any reimbursable expenses must be clearly indicated, and an estimate provided.
  12. Certificate of insurance detailing the amounts of all insurance coverage.


Utilizing the planning principles outlined in the DCED "Creating an Implementable Comprehensive Plan," the plan will center on identifying community issues, outlining steps to address these issues, and assigning responsibility to individuals or groups for their resolution. Where feasible, potential sources of financing will be pinpointed. The focus will be on discerning the needs and aspirations of the community rather than conforming to a traditional comprehensive plan format.

The new plan has two primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to craft a vision for the West Hills Region over the next decade, reflecting the direction desired by citizens and various stakeholders. Secondly, it seeks to propose a set of realistic strategies, projects, and programs that can be enacted to realize this envisioned future.

The selected consultant will be tasked with delivering a comprehensive range of planning services essential for executing the plan. Their work will emphasize furnishing decision-makers with pertinent information, generating innovative ideas, devising actionable plans, and aiding the municipalities in forging partnerships and building the capacity to execute the plan effectively. As previously stated, the comprehensive plan should be an "implementable plan," adhering to principles and guidelines currently endorsed by DCED.

To ensure the preservation of each municipality's autonomy and to accommodate their distinct socio-economic and geographical characteristics, the plan will integrate collective regional goals and objectives. Additionally, each municipality will be allocated a dedicated section within the plan, delineating its individual background, specific goals, objectives, and a tailored action plan. This approach aims to honor the diverse identity of each municipality while fostering collaboration towards overarching regional objectives.

In addition to the priorities or related goals or themes that emerge from the planning process, the Plan will also address the following issues.

  1. Shared Services
  2. Economic Development
  3. Bicycle and Pedestrian
  4. Environmental
  5. Housing and blight
  6. Land Use Regulations


Throughout the project, coordination will be maintained between the CCPC and the consultant.

The consultant's approach and method must include, at a minimum:

  1. An initial meeting CCPC and the Steering Committee to review the project scope and establish the project delivery schedule and public engagement program.
  2. Regular meetings with the CCPC and Steering Committee.
  3. Input gathering from the public through a variety of techniques to include but not necessarily limited to public workshops and surveys that will result in a wide cross section of people having been consulted.
  4. At a minimum, bi-monthly project review meetings/conference calls with key staff.
  5. Preparation and presentation of draft and final plans.
  6. Presentation of the final plan to the public and CCPC, municipal officials and participation in a public hearing to formally present the plan for approval and adoption if necessary.


The consultant shall submit the following products to CCPC in accordance with the approved Project Completion Schedule:

  1. Eight printed and bound color copies of the final comprehensive plan and executive summary.
  2. Three Complete Electronic Copies of the final plan in PDF format. Files shall be indexed for simplified review. Copies shall be on individual thumb drives.
  3. The consultant will be responsible for providing all necessary materials including drafts of the Comprehensive Plan at all meetings, workshops, and hearings. The consultant shall submit electronic copies of all materials, research, data, GIS shapefiles, maps, etc. developed or collected over the course of plan development to CCPC's in editable formats for CCPC's future use. The software packages used will be agreed to prior to any work being produced. Maps should be developed for easy integration into an ArcGIS Online system.
  4. Completed community survey identifying the priorities of each municipality and the region as a whole.


CCPC will competitively evaluate the proposals, and the Steering Committee will recommend a consultant based on the following criteria:

  • Quality and experience of the firm. Municipal planning experience with emphasis on preparing an implantable comprehensive plans in conformance with the MPC. (20%)
  • Qualifications and experience of the assigned personnel in preparing municipal comprehensive plans and meeting objectives outlined in this RFP. Personnel shall include at least one AICP. Experience working in similar communities in Pennsylvania. (30%)
  • Understanding of the Scope of Services, existing conditions, and the objectives of the project. Creativity of ideas and suggestions submitted to enhance and/or amend the scope of work and additional details of the approach and methods to carry out the project. Quality of work plan and organization structure with identification and prioritization of measurable goals, estimated costs and potential sources of financing, actionable timeline, quality of products and support materials. Participation plan reflecting commitment to gaining buy-in from the community and CCPC. (30%)
  • Proposed costs, with elements clearly defined and priced. Cost-saving techniques. (15%)
  • Proximity to the West Hills Region. (5%)


CCPC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any non- material irregularities or information in any RFP, and to accept or reject any item or combination of items. CCPC assumes no responsibility or liability for costs incurred by Proposers in responding to this RFP or in responding to any further request for interviews, additional data, etc. Any award of a contract shall be contingent upon receipt of MAP funding by CCPC. Following award of the contract by CCPC, RFP submissions are considered public records that are subject to Pennsylvania's "Right to Know" laws. Materials considered confidential by the Consultant must be clearly identified and include a statement of why said records should not be considered public records.

Request Type
Friday, August 2, 2024

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