Zoning and Subdivision Code Update

City of Ladue

Ladue, MO

Project Introduction:

The City of Ladue is seeking a qualified and experienced consultant to help prepare a comprehensive update of the Zoning and Subdivision Code that is consistent with Ladue's 2040 Comprehensive Plan.


The City of Ladue encompasses 8.5 square miles and is located in the St. Louis Metropolitan area, about 9 miles from downtown St. Louis. The vast majority of the City is low-density single-family residential with less than 5% of the land zoned for commercial or industrial uses. Ladue also contains several private schools and clubs with substantial land areas.

Ladue was incorporated in 1937 and created the first zoning ordinance and zoning map in 1938. The zoning code was most recently rewritten and reapproved as Ordinance 1175 in 1977. The Zoning Ordinance has not ever been included in the Ladue Code of Ordinances and is considered a separate ordinance. There have been many amendments since 1977, but the Code has not been comprehensively examined and rewritten.

In December of 2021, the Comprehensive Plan, Ladue Vision 2040, was approved by the Zoning and Planning Commission. In addition, Ladue adopted a Strategic Plan in August of 2022, which indicated certain priority action items. These included updating the City's Zoning Code.

Goals and Objectives:

  • Examine the current Zoning Ordinance as it relates to the recommendations in the “Ladue Vision 2040” Comprehensive Plan, including, but not limited to the following:
    • Remove major barriers to development in commercial areas and residential areas with aging housing stock
    • Update environmental regulations to reflect best management practices. Consolidate and compile environmental regulations to ensure clarity and easier navigation.
    • Examine uses in commercial zoning districts and make recommendations based on market realities and best practices.
    • Suggest planning tools (overlay districts, floating districts, planned districts, etc.) as appropriate to best meet Comprehensive Plan Goals.
    • Amend existing residential zoning districts, as needed, to better meet the needs of those seeking downsized housing options.
  • Remove any inconsistencies, outdated text, and/or confusing/ambiguous language. Ensure that language is consistent throughout. Specifically, attention should be given to the following sections:
    • Nonconforming uses
    • Building height and method for measuring building height
    • Size of garages and accessory buildings
  • Make code easier to navigate and more user friendly through the following:
    • Provide clear review procedures and permitting requirements
    • Improve organization and minimize redundancies
    • Update and add definitions as needed
    • Add graphics to assist with understanding of text
  • Evaluate development-related regulations that are currently located in the Ladue Code of Ordinances. Update and amend according to best practices and community goals. Consult on consolidation with zoning regulations and incorporation into Ladue Code of Ordinances. Relevant sections include the following:
    • Sign regulations in Chapter 130 of the Code of Ordinances
    • Subdivision process and regulations in Chapter 94 of the Code of Ordinances
    • Chapter 110, which includes land disturbance and Architectural Review Board regulations.
  • Review the zoning districts to ensure the current districts and district regulations are meeting the needs of and supporting the community, with particular attention to the commercial district at I-170 and Ladue Road
  • Consider the zoning process for schools and clubs in Ladue and suggest potential modifications
  • Evaluate whether wireless communication regulations require tweaking, particularly in relation to poles and antennas that require administrative review only

Process and Timeline for Selection

Deadline for Submittal of Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) – August 7, 2024

Submittals must be received by 12pm (noon) on August 7, 2024. Packages should be addressed as follows:

City of Ladue
9345 Clayton Road
Ladue, MO 63124
Attn: Andrea Sukanek

Anticipated Schedule:

Review and Selection of Candidates – August 12 – October 4, 2024

A consultant selection committee will review the qualifications submitted. Qualifications will be reviewed, and the top three firms will be selected. The selected firms will be invited to interview with the selection committee.

Approval and Recommendation by the Zoning and Planning Commission – October 2024

The consultant recommended by the selection committee will be reviewed by the Zoning and Planning Commission at their regular meeting on October 23, 2024.

Approval of Contract by City Council – November 2024

The Zoning and Planning recommendation will be considered by City Council at their regular meeting on November 18, 2024.

Submittal Requirements:

Submittals should be no more than 20 pages, not including resumes. The City requests that each respondent submit a digital copy and 2 paper copies of the qualification submittal package to be received no later than August 7, 2024

  • Name of firm with primary contact person, address, phone number, and email address
  • Letter of Interest stating the consultant's interest in the project and ability to provide the required services
  • Additional information about the firm including form of organization (corporation, sole proprietorship, etc.), website address, number of years in business, range of professional services, office locations, and the composition of the planning team
  • Provide a list of current active projects, including the name, type of project, location, firm's role in the project and status of the project
  • Provide a description of at least 3, but no more than 5 representative completed projects. Descriptions should contain the following:
    • Location of project
    • Client and client contact information
    • Dates of involvement
    • Project description including illustrative materials and a written description of why this example is relevant to the Ladue planning project
    • Specific services performed and approximate cost
  • Titles and Qualifications of individuals assigned to the project. This should include the roles of each team member and their experiences and roles with previous projects. A resume for each key team member should also be attached
  • Statement describing familiarity with and knowledge of the area in and around the City of Ladue
  • Statement (not to exceed one page) outlining the philosophy of the team and any unique perspectives in approaching similar projects and how the firm is prepared and qualified to provide the best possible outcome
  • Statement of availability of the key personnel to undertake the project and anticipated approximate time frame
  • Typical time frame of previous similar planning projects
  • Statement regarding coordination with City staff, including expectations for assistance and typical communications

Evaluation Criteria

Firm qualifications of particular interest to the Selection Committee include:

  • Previous experience with creating zoning and subdivision regulations, including evidence of in-depth knowledge, technical competence, and high-quality output
  • Approach and perspective of the firm indicating how they will produce the best possible outcome
  • Experience and qualifications of the personnel to be assigned to the project
  • Evidence that the project can be completed within the anticipated time frame
  • Firm's evidence of knowledge and experience in the local area and/or municipalities similar to Ladue

Additional Information

The City reserves the right to amend the RFQ, not award a contract for requested services, and accept the consultants deemed to be the most beneficial to the public and the City of Ladue.

The City will not pay any costs incurred in the preparation, printing, interview, or negotiation process. All costs associated with preparing and presenting statements of qualifications shall be borne by the proposing consultant.

This Request for Qualifications is not a contract or a commitment of any kind by the City and does not commit the City to award a contract or to pay any costs incurred in the submission of qualifications.

Qualifications may be modified or withdrawn prior to the specified deadline for submission by formal written notice from an authorized representative of the applicant. Qualifications submitted will become the property of the City after the submission deadline and may be released as public documents after that time.

Selected consultants will be required to furnish a Certificate of Insurance as required by the City.

Contact Information

Questions regarding this Request for Qualifications shall be sent in writing by electronic mail to:

Andrea Sukanek
City Planner – Ladue, MO

Please provide your email address to Andrea Sukanek if your firm wishes to receive email updates containing copies of answers to questions that substantially clarify the RFQ.

RFQ is viewable on the Ladue website at the following link: Ladue Zoning Code Revision - Request for Qualifications .pdf (revize.com)

Request Type
Wednesday, August 7, 2024