Bus Rapid Transit Feasibility Study

Luzerne County Transportation Authority

Kingston, PA

RFI LCTA 24-07-001

"Regional Bus Rapid Transit Feasibility Study"


RELEASE DATE: July 12, 2024


RESPONSE DEADLINE: August 9, 2024, 5:00 pm


LCTA Procurement Manager: Kristene Kelly, kkelly@lctabus.com


RFI LCTA 24-07-001

Project description, goals and background

LCTA is seeking information from planning firms with experience in relevant bus rapid transit planning solutions. This is a non-binding, zero-cost request for information (RFI). LCTA currently plans to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) based on the responses to this RFI in order to select a firm that is a qualified transit planning Contractor. This RFI is intended to assist the LCTA in clearly defining the baseline technical specifications and requirements for that envisioned RFP as we move towards a formal RFP for a, “Regional Bus Rapid Transit Feasibility Study.”

Background About the Lackawanna-Luzerne MPO and Public Transportation:

Using features of the high-level bus rapid transit model outlined in the Lackawanna-Luzerne MPO's Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), and considering as stated in the LRTP, “…the next step to advancing BRT in the region is to perform a study to assess the feasibility of implementing the proposed BRT routes, further refine route alignments, prepare cost estimates, and develop an implementation plan.” Note: for purposes of this study, the LRTP specified BRT routes may be considered an example and re-evaluated and updated.

Therefore, the project Contractor will conduct a study devoting the majority of plan content to aspects of technical and economic feasibility of a BRT system connecting the systems of Luzerne County Transportation Authority (LCTA) www.lctabus.com County of Lackawanna Transit System (COLTS) www.coltsbus.com and City of Hazleton (HPT) https://www.ridehpt.com

The goal of this study is to prepare the three (3) regional transit providers for next steps in implementing a correctly scaled BRT system for the Scranton-Wilkes-Barre UZA with considerations for future growth. This study will assess impacts to the public transportation network related to restoration of Amtrak service from Scranton, PA to Hoboken, NJ which is currently in development. The Lackawanna-Luzerne region is expected to link direct train service to the New York City metropolitan area starting in 2028 with three roundtrips per day, operating 365 days a year.

LCTA will be incorporating changes from the transit development plan starting in October 2024. Route structures are staying mostly constant but there will be the addition of three (3) microtransit zones. See the supplemental information section for TDP related information.

Vendor requirements/Requested Information:

Please submit your firm's experience and answers to requested information in an electronic PDF document. Use a cover letter to outline any pertinent general background about your firm. Your firm's RFI reply document will be a maximum of ten (10) pages:

  1. What is your firm's experience specifically in conducting BRT feasibility planning studies and what is the typical fee/cost structure with the feasibility studies?
  2. How would your firm approach this regional study given that the three (3) regional transit providers are separate entities? Do you suggest a review committee be in place to inform the study and what organizations do you suggest be on that committee?
  3. What are the main technical criteria your firm suggests be included in the study to review transit propensity?
  4. What are the typical criteria used to score potential BRT corridors and would a multi-phase approach be considered best practice in determining the corridors?
  5. How would your firm change or adjust the scope of the example study outline provided here? Please elaborate and add details to this example.
    • Existing conditions
    • Existing MPO plans and transit plans
    • Land use characteristics
    • Community and stakeholder outreach
    • Vision, goals and objectives
    • BRT DOT standards
    • Potential regional BRT network
    • Evaluation and scoring of corridors
    • Implementation evaluation
    • Roadway data review
    • Planning level cost estimates
    • Emerging Technologies
    • Funding options
  6. What is a suitable timeline from contract start to contract completion for a BRT feasibility study?
  7. The Scranton-Wilkes-Barre metro area is of a smaller urban type. How would your firm address the possibility that BRT does not make sense for the region?

Supplemental Information


LRTP : https://www.lltsmpo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/FINAL-Lackawanna-Luzerne-LRTP_02-16-21.pdf

UPWP: https://www.lltsmpo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/2024-2025-UPWP-Passed-1-9-24.pdf

Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan: https://www.lltsmpo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/LLTS-Coordinated-Human-Services-Transit-Plan_FINAL.pdf

Title VI: https://www.lltsmpo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/LLTS-Title-VI-Plan_FINAL.pdf

Amtrak Analysis of Options for Scranton – New York Passenger Rail Service


LCTA TDP - Final Draft


FFY22 NTD Transit Agency Profiles:

LCTA: https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/transit_agency_profile_doc/2022/30015.pdf

COLTS: https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/transit_agency_profile_doc/2022/30025.pdf

HPT: https://www.transit.dot.gov/sites/fta.dot.gov/files/transit_agency_profile_doc/2022/30093.pdf

Request Type
Friday, August 9, 2024

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