Land Use Ordinance Update

Town of Carrboro

Carrboro, NC


RESPONSE SCHEDULE (Note: The below dates are subject to change)



Date and Time, if applicable

Advertisement Date

Town of Carrboro

June 30, 2024

Pre-Submittal Conference

Town of Carrboro

July 15, 2024, 2:00 P.M.

Deadline for Questions


July 18, 2024, 3:00 P.M.

Submit Responses


July 31, 2024, 3:00 P.M.

(if requested)


August 12-14, 2024

Proposed Contract Award Date

Town of Carrboro

September 17, 2024

Virtual Project Pre-Submittal Conference (Non-Mandatory)

Instructions: There will be a non-mandatory, virtual pre-submittal conference held via Zoom for all interested prospective Responders that will take place at the date and time listed above. The information to join this Zoom session is provided below:

Meeting ID: 846 9155 6546

Passcode: 927693

One tap mobile

+16469313860,,84691556546# US

+19294362866,,84691556546# US (New York)


For a response to be considered, it must demonstrate a clear understanding of the scope of services, include a list of well-qualified staff to complete the scope of services, and address all components of the RFP. One digital copy shall be submitted to the Town via Microsoft OneDrive File Request on the bid opportunities webpage ( Proposals must be print-ready.

Responses limited to thirty (30) double-sided pages or less (not including the title page, table of contents, letter of introduction, section dividers, detailed resumes, and forms) and must be signed with a certified digital signature or in ink by an authorized representative. Each Response should be a single PDF with all relevant documentation. The Town may require virtual and/or in-person presentations from some firms after receipt and review of the Responses.

1. COMMUNICATION WITH RESPONDERS: All communication between the Town and prospective Responders shall be in writing. Any inquiries, requests for interpretation, technical questions, clarification, or additional information shall be made in writing and submitted via email to Trish McGuire, Planning Director at

All such questions must be received by 3:00 P.M., ET, on July 18, 2024. The subject line should read "Land Use Ordinance RFP."

The Town will post its response to questions and clarifications by issuance of an Addendum by 5:00 P.M., ET, on July 22, 2024. It is the responsibility of each Responder to check the bid posting on the website for any addenda.

2. RESPONSE DUE DATE: Responses will be received until 3:00 P.M., ET, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Responses must be submitted digitally via a Microsoft OneDrive File Request on the Bid Opportunities webpage.

Responses shall be marked and/or identified with Responder name.

3. DISCREPANCIES AND OMISSIONS: Should a Responder find discrepancies in, or omissions from the documents, or should be in doubt as to their meaning, they should at once notify the Town, and a written Addendum may be issued. The Town will not be responsible for any oral instructions. Acknowledgment of any Addendum received shall be noted on the Addendum Acknowledgement Form included in the Response. In closing of a contract, any Addendum issued shall become a part thereof.


Responder shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, sex, race, creed, national origin, disability or on the basis of sexual orientation or gender expression/identity. Responder shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated fairly and legally during employment with regard to their age, sex, race, creed, national origin, disability or on the basis of sexual orientation or gender expression/identity. In the event Responder is determined by the final order of an appropriate agency or court to be in violation of any non-discrimination provision of federal, state, or local law or this provision, this Contract may be canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part by Town, and Responder may be declared ineligible for further Town contracts.


Responders wishing to be considered for this project are expected to have skill, knowledge, and experience in work that advances racial equity and climate action, and a proven ability to successfully provide professional services including: development analysis, meeting facilitation, stakeholder engagement, drafting land use regulations and technical codes, preparation of graphics and visuals, utilization of charts, incorporation of elements from several adopted plans, final document preparation, drafts of related required documents (such as advertisements and mailings), and the presentation of the entire project and process for adoption.

The total time for this project is anticipated to be eighteen months.

The response must include all the information set forth in this RFP and should be organized appropriately with sections as follows.

Section 1 – Signed Forms

This Section should include the following forms and information. Forms can be signed with a certificate based digital signature, or by hand and scanned in. The Town will use DocuSign to sign forms upon award of a contract.

  • Addendum Acknowledgement Form (Attachment A)
  • Letter of Introduction and summary of the Responder's understanding of the Scope and emphasizing any unique aspects of strength of the proposed Responder (Attachment B)
  • Contracting and Procurement Procedures Form (Attachment C)

Section 2 – Responder Overview and Contact Information

This Section should present an overview of the Responder's organization, including name, address, phone and fax numbers, email address and phone number of the lead representative; history of the firm, type of organization (e.g. partnership, corporation, sole proprietorship); primary location of the firm, names and experience of principles and directors.

Section 3 – Key Personnel and Availability

This Section should present the Responder's proposed organizational structure and staffing chart showing specific job classifications, number of employees and full-time equivalent employees by position and reporting relationships. Résumés for all managerial and key personnel should be provided in sufficient detail to be able to determine the nature and depth of everyone's relevant experience. This Section should also identify any of the required services that the Responder intends to subcontract, if any, providing for each (i) the reasons for subcontracting, (ii) the proposed subcontractor's responsibilities, (iii) information identifying proposed subcontractor's name, location, relevant personnel, and experience, and (iv) a letter from the proposed subcontractor indicating their agreement to perform this role. Percentage time during the project duration that is estimated for all key personnel, as a primary or sub-contractor, should be included.

Section 4 – Statement of Qualifications and Similar Projects List

In this Section, the Responder should describe its track record in performing services comparable to those specified in this RFP and other information relevant that demonstrates the ability of the Responder to perform these services. Responders should provide a list of all similar work performed by the firm, preferably over the past five (5) years. This list should include the name of each client, the size and full scope of similar work performed, effective dates of the contract(s) with these clients, and the contracted amount. Responders should provide at least three clients' contacts and telephone numbers which the Town can call regarding performance on similar work.

Section 5 – Fees and Costs

This Section will include a listing of fees or hourly rates for members of the Responder that will be involved in the project, including support personnel.

Section 6 – Approach and Methodology

This Section should present the Responder's approach to providing the services specified in this RFP. This Section should include a detailed description of the proposed methodology, processes, communication expectations, and timetable for completion. The description will include who will provide the services and will reveal how the response will accomplish all aspects of the scope of work, including milestones, decision points, regular check-ins with staff, the flow of community outreach and engagement, and the management of deliverables.

Section 7 – Insurance and Certifications

Section 8 – Any additional information that will support the Responder's qualifications

Section 9 – Conflict of Interest

In this Section, the Responder should describe any involvement that the firm, its employees, or its owner(s) have that may constitute a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest with completion of the requested work for the Town of Carrboro. The Responder should also disclose any conflicts of interest for 18 months prior to the submission of the RFP response package to the Town and provide a statement indicating any judgments against the Responder (prime, sub-consultants, and third-party consultants) within the last five (5) years, or pending litigation, related to professional conduct or services.

Please Note:

Interested Responders should submit information to satisfy these provisions and the Response size and date/time requirements described in this RFP. Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or other materials beyond those sufficient to present a complete and effective response to this solution are not desired and may be construed as an indication of the Responder's lack of cost consciousness.

Responses received after the date and time listed will not be considered.


The intent of this Scope of Work is to serve as a framework for major tasks as currently envisioned by the Town. This is not a comprehensive list. A complete Scope of Work and an estimated fixed fee will be developed in consultation with the selected team based on the Town's needs and the Responder's experience and capabilities. The work is to be in accordance with planning and zoning authority and address, among other topics, land use, stormwater, special flood hazard areas, environmental sustainability and resilience, historic preservation, permitting, administration, appeals, variances, enforcement, etc. The Town has identified the following as the core interests that this project seeks to advance.

  1. Developing a new Land Use Ordinance is a key implementation strategy related to the Town's comprehensive plan, Carrboro Connects (PLAN, 2022). The Town is seeking to rewrite and modernize its land use regulations as specified in numerous chapters of the PLAN.
  2. Advancing the PLAN's two foundational elements - addressing systemic racism and injustice and addressing climate change.
  3. Evaluating and incorporating all the PLAN's goals and strategies, completing associated policy and geographic analyses for best practices, providing clear directions relating to transportation infrastructure requirements (i.e. complete streets and standalone bicycle and pedestrian facilities), incorporating downtown area plan zoning, land use regulations recommendations, engagement, and input.
  4. Creating, to the fullest extent possible, a user-friendly, simplified, clear, and easily understood Land Use Ordinance, that
  1. Meets or exceeds all generally accepted land use law, state and federal statutory provisions, and case law.
  2. Creates efficient processes for review and approval, while ensuring sufficient and appropriate notification, engagement, and community participation.
  3. Enhances the Table of Permissible Uses (permitted and not permitted uses), permit requirements, and supplemental regulations; incorporates all conditional zoning ordinances; rewrites sign provisions.
  4. Eradicates vague, unclear, or confusing language and incorporates language and intent statements that are consistent from one section to another.
    1. Written in a manner that is understandable by a member of the public.
    2. Ensures that definitions are included for all essential words used.
    3. Clarifies all sections in concise language, removes conflicts due to overly complex constructions.
  5. Updates, creates, and embeds graphics, charts, and figures into relevant sections.
  6. Provides for language accessibility and meets ADA digital accessibility standards.

The Responder will be required to attend and facilitate public engagements, workshops, meetings, and public hearings with various audiences such as the Town Council, Planning Board, residents, business owners, and other stakeholders, and prepare multiple drafts of the proposed ordinance for review and comment.

Town staff will be available to assist the firm in facilitating the process. Staff will assist in meeting arrangements, advertising public meetings, workshops, hearings, and other logistics. Staff will also work closely with the firm by reviewing any work product before it is submitted to any reviewing board, commission, or council, or presented to the public.

The Town of Carrboro will become the owner of all documents and data at the end of the process. Responder will provide the Town with a digital copy of all documents and data, as available in editable formats, including Word, Excel, and similar documents, image files, CAD, and GIS shapefiles.

Additional Information: See Attachment D for a list of relevant regulations, planning documents, and resources currently guiding the Town.


Request Type
Wednesday, July 31, 2024