Zero Waste Event Program

Deer Valley Resort

Park City, UT

Date: July 15, 2024

Project Title: Zero Waste Events – Deer Valley Resort and Park City

Proposal Due: July 26, 2024

Submission Instructions:

  • Deer Valley Resort will only accept proposals in electronic format. Submit the proposals to Victoria Schlaepfer (Sustainability Manager):
  • Proposals must be presented as a single, combined file that contains all proposal materials and supporting documentation. The use of pdf format is encouraged.
  • Proposals must be submitted no later than July 26, 2024. Late proposals will not be accepted.

Proposal Instructions:

Deer Valley Resort is requesting proposals from qualified consulting agencies to help develop a Zero Waste Event program for Park City area events. The consulting agency should focus on collaboration with various agencies involved in events and zero waste and work towards developing a program that can be scaled across various events in the community.

Parties interested in being considered for a contract with Deer Valley Resort should submit a proposal with the following information:

  • Overview of scope of services
  • A project team overview, including proposed subconsultants
  • The project team's experience with zero waste and key results that have been achieved
  • An estimated schedule to complete the project with key milestones
  • Cost (fixed price and breakdown of individual project costs)


The Park City and Summit County area is home to over 100 events annually of various sizes. Events range from 100-5,000+ attendees and are hosted across the City and County with varying waste infrastructure. As the Summit County landfill reaches capacity, it is important to help find a way in which these large special events can continue to bring tourism to the County while diverting waste away from the landfill to help prolong its life. It is this pressing issue and a lack of program in place that spurred this request for proposal.

Specific to Deer Valley, the resort hosts 15-20 events annually and handles all waste generated through in-house teams. During all events, we have recycling and trash receptacles but do not have other waste streams available to event attendees. The events that the resort hosts on an annual basis include:

  • 15-18 concerts with 5,000 person capacity
  • Annual Mountain Beer Fest with 1,000 person capacity/day
  • FIS Freestyle Ski World Cup with 5,000-10,000 attendees per day
  • Other small scale events ranging from 100-500 attendees

The visitor make up from all of the events at Deer Valley ranges from a local and regional visitor to outof-state attendees.

Known for exceptional guest service, Deer Valley is working to become a leader in sustainability in the ski industry and zero waste events are a key piece of the puzzle. Zero waste events should be effortless for the guest and provide the same attention to detail that the resort is known for in other areas of our operation.

Scope of Work:

Deer Valley is seeking a consultant or team of consultants & sub-contractors to develop a program for Zero Waste events in the Park City and Summit County area. This program should be scalable depending on the event type and outline a plan for long-term success. The scope of work is envisioned to entail extensive stakeholder engagement across the community and ensure the creation and longevity of a plan for a Zero Waste Event program in the Park City and Summit County areas. Additionally, the selected consultant will be expected to help write the grant project report at the end of the project.

Zero Waste Events Program:

This program should consider the infrastructure that is in place regionally for recycling and composting and include the following objectives:

  1. Stakeholder engagement with event hosts, event permitters, non-profits, government agencies
  2. and waste haulers
  3. Consideration of Park City Municipal's proposed zero waste event code changes
  4. Plan for long-term success
  5. Scalability between event types and hosts and future large events
  6. Fee structure to ensure feasibility of the program
  7. Proposed agency(ies) to house the program
  8. Proposed staffing structure for the program
  9. Identify any policy changes and/or risks associated with a successful launch of this program

Pricing and Timeline:

Deer Valley Resort is seeking a consultant to begin work in August 2024 and complete by February 2025.

The proposal should include a timeline and key milestones for how the consultant will complete the Zero Waste Event program project within this timeframe. Additionally, the proposal should include pricing for work, not to exceed $18,000. If possible, the proposal should include estimated costs per month for the project and the project should be structured to bill monthly.


Interviews: Deer Valley Resort may determine that an interview with one or more Consultants may be necessary. The number of Consultants to participate in interviews, if any, will be determined by Deer Valley Resort, at its sole discretion.

Notification: Deer Valley Resort will notify appropriate firms of changes in the RFP and Notice of Selection.

Addenda: In the event it becomes necessary to revise any part of the RFP, addenda will be provided to all firms still under consideration at the time the addendum is issued.

Responding to RFP:

Consulting firms directly contacted by Deer Valley Resort may respond to this RFP via e-mail to: Victoria Schlaepfer, Please submit your proposal by Friday, July 26, 2024, using the format outlined above. Should you have questions regarding this RFP, please contact: Name: Victoria Schlaepfer Telephone: 435-645-2633 Email:

Selection Criteria:

Deer Valley Resort will consider only complete proposals received from verified bodies. Submissions will be evaluated by Deer Valley Resort based on factors including but not limited to the qualifications, proposed cost, approach to work, schedule, and completeness.

Preference will be given to Consultants who embrace an active approach towards achieving diversity, equity and inclusion throughout their business practices. Demonstration of this can be included in the proposal and will be taken with the highest regard.

Clear and Concise Submittal. Consultants are discouraged from submitting lengthy Submittals. Deer Valley Resort requests that Submittals be concise and clearly written containing only essential information.

Costs by Consultants. All costs incurred in the preparation of a Submittal and participation in this RFP and negotiation process shall be borne by the proposing firms.

Completing Selection:

Deer Valley Resort expects to make its tentative final decision on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 and enter into exclusive contract negotiations with that consultant based on a form of agreement proposed by Deer Valley. The chosen consultant will be notified by telephone and/or e-mail. All other applicants will be notified by e-mail and may contact the company for feedback regarding the final decision.

Thank you,

Victoria Schlaepfer
Sustainability Manager
Deer Valley Resort

Request Type
Friday, July 26, 2024

Contact Information

Contact Email