Zoning Code Update

Clarksville Montgomery County Regional Planning Commission

Clarksville, TN

I. Introduction

1. Summary

The Clarksville-Montgomery County Regional Planning Commission (CMCRPC) is responsible for all planning services for Montgomery County and its only city, Clarksville. The CMCRPC is seeking a qualified, interdisciplinary team to update both the Montgomery County Zoning Resolution and the City of Clarksville Zoning Ordinance, which are separate but similar codes for their respective jurisdictions. Following the City- and County-wide Comprehensive Plan adopted on March 26, 2024, alignment of these zoning documents with the plan are considered necessary for implementation of its key initiatives and policies.

The updated zoning codes should aid in implementing numerous objectives, goals, and policies outlined in the Comprehensive Planer while striving for improvements in navigation and legibility through updated tables, illustrations, definitions, and the elimination or explanation of any apparent contradictions. The CMCRPC staff will collaborate with the project consultant to explore the design and adoption of updated zoning district classifications and their requirements.

The final deliverables should be an improvement to accessibility and usability over the current documents for the general public, the development community, and the CMCRPC.

2. Project Description

The last major revisions to the City of Clarksville Zoning Ordinance were November 4, 2010 and the Montgomery County Zoning Resolution were December 14, 2009. These updates comprised a comprehensive overhaul designed to modernize the zoning regulations. This update addressed a wide range of land use and development issues to better align with contemporaneous planning practices and community needs. Over the years, a multitude of smaller updates have been made to address emerging issues, comply with new regulations, and incorporate stakeholder feedback. However, with the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, it has become clear that a renewed realignment of both the City of Clarksville Zoning Ordinance and the Montgomery County Zoning Resolution is necessary.

The updated zoning documents will focus on promoting efficient land use, mixed-use development, and housing affordability, reflecting the core objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. By further integrating residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, the new zoning codes will support improvements toward complete and walkable neighborhoods. The proposed amendments should enhance land use efficiency whilst reducing travel times to jobs, services, and daily needs, thereby improving the overall quality of life for residents.

The project consultant should explore opportunities for right-sized density around key nodes, supporting inclusive communities and addressing various housing needs. Toward this purpose, the selected consultant will be tasked with recommending updates to relevant provisions of the subdivision ordinance such as, but not limited to, requirements for site plans, landscaping, and procedures.

Measures should be introduced to enhance the aesthetics of commercial nodes and corridors, and encourage the development of commercial facilities closer to residential areas. The project will address the need for appropriate transitioning between commercial or industrial uses and residential neighborhoods, ensuring compatibility and minimizing potential conflicts. By consolidating and/or redefining current zoning districts, the project will simplify the regulatory framework and enhance clarity while supporting the Comprehensive Plan's mission for sustainable growth and development. The project consultant will provide further recommendations and analysis regarding the potential to introduce form-based codes.

The updated documents should ensure compatibility with all pertinent planning materials, improve the development application processes, and comply with state and federal requirements, facilitating streamlined integration and adherence to regulatory standards across all levels. The CMCRPC staff and project consultant will collaborate to identify and implement all instances of the Comprehensive Plan for which the zoning codes may reasonably assist with stated objectives.

A critical component of the update is the alignment of zoning regulations with identified needs for critical infrastructure, utilities, and public safety services. Additionally, the project aims to implement Complete Streets and Complete Neighborhoods objectives, encouraging active transportation and community engagement through the introduction of proven urban design interventions. Finally, the project must involve active collaboration with the Fort Campbell Planning Division to ensure cohesion and resiliency of our military presence.

3. Organization, Management, and Responsibilities

The CMCRPC will manage the contract with the consultant. Invoices for payments of tasks completed will be reviewed quarterly, based on the agreed upon timeline and detailed scope of work for the project.


Project Management and Coordination

  • Monitor the overall progress of the zoning code rewrite project.
  • Ensure project milestones and deadlines are met.
  • Review drafts and submissions from the consultants.
  • Provide overall guidance and direction of the project.

Data Collection, Provision, and Analysis

  • Gather and provide necessary data and documents to the project consultant.
  • Facilitate access to relevant local records, maps, and GIS data.

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Identify and engage key stakeholders, including local officials, community groups, and residents.
  • Assist in designing and facilitating community engagement activities.
  • Prepare reports and presentations for local government bodies.
  • Facilitate meetings and outreach

Drafting and Revision

  • Facilitate any necessary revisions based on legislative or public feedback.
  • Offer guidance on the implementation of the new zoning code.

Approval and Adoption Process

  • Assist in the legal review and adoption process of the new zoning codes.
  • Assist in developing processes and tools for effective enforcement and administration of the new regulations.

Project Consultant

  • Coordinate meetings between local staff, project consultants, and stakeholders.
  • Organize biweekly update meetings with CMCRPC staff.
  • Propose and schedule any additional staff meetings as found necessary.

Data Collection, Provision, and Analysis

  • Identify pertinent state and federal requirements and legislation affecting the project.
  • Conduct comprehensive analysis of existing zoning codes and identify areas for improvement.
  • Conduct comprehensive analysis of the Comprehensive Plan and incorporate goals, objectives, and policies into actionable recommendations.
  • Provide technical expertise and recommendations based on best practices and current trends.

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Engage key stakeholders, including local officials, community groups, and residents.
  • Organize and host public meetings and workshops, collecting equitable and comprehensive community feedback.
  • Collect and summarize feedback from stakeholders and the public.
  • Prepare materials, information, and presentations appropriate to public participation design.
  • Analyze public participation results.

Drafting and Revision

  • Develop draft versions of the new zoning code documents.
  • Revise drafts based on feedback from local staff and stakeholders.

Approval and Adoption Process

  • Ensure new zoning codes are legally sound and enforceable.
  • Provide ongoing support during the initial phase of implementation to address any issues or challenges.
  • Assist in presentation to the CMCRPC, City, and County elected bodies.

Training and Education

  • Provide training sessions for local staff and Regional Planning Commissioners on the new zoning code.
  • Develop user-friendly guides and manuals to help stakeholders understand and apply the new regulations.
  • Consider and propose improvements to cmcrpc.com.

II. Scope of Work

A. Key Deliverables

1. Project Plan and Timeline

  • A detailed project plan outlining the scope, timeline, milestones, and key activities.
  • A timeline for the entire project, including deadlines for each phase and deliverable.

2. Existing Zoning Code Assessment

  • A comprehensive assessment report of the current zoning codes for both the City of Clarksville and Montgomery County.
  • Identification of strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

3. Best Practices and Benchmarking Report:

  • A report detailing best practices and benchmarking against other municipalities with similar characteristics.
  • Best practices must be context-sensitive to local conditions.

4. Public Participation Plan

  • A strategic plan for public and stakeholder engagement
  • Detailed schedules and methods for gathering community input and feedback.

5. Stakeholder and Public Input Summaries

  • Summarized reports of feedback received from stakeholders and the public
  • Analysis of key themes, concerns, and suggestions in the results.

6. Technical Memoranda

  • Technical memoranda explaining the rationale behind significant changes or new provisions.
  • Legal analysis and justification for the proposed zoning regulations.

7. Draft Zoning Codes

  • Initial drafts of the new zoning codes for both the City of Clarksville and Montgomery County, including all proposed changes and new provisions.
  • Multiple drafts reflecting iterative revisions based on feedback from local staff, CMCRPC, and stakeholders.
  • Consolidation and/or redefinition of current zoning districts to simplify the regulatory framework.
  • Enhancements to improve clarity and support the comprehensive plan’s mission for sustainable growth and development.

8. Illustrative Materials

  • Visual aids such as maps, diagrams, and charts to help explain zoning concepts and proposed changes.
  • User-friendly guides and flowcharts for better understanding of the new zoning codes.

9. Final Zoning Code Documents

  • The final version of the new zoning codes, incorporating all revisions and feedback.
  • A clean, formatted document ready for approval and adoption by local authorities

10. Compatibility and Compliance Report

  • Ensure the updated zoning codes are compatible with all pertinent materials and comply with state and federal requirements.
  • Review subdivision regulations and propose necessary updates to ensure consistency with and current ability to implement proposed zoning changes.
  • Recommendations for improving development application processes to align with the new regulations.

11. Complete Streets and Complete Neighborhoods Strategies

  • Submittals for enhancing the aesthetics and walkability of commercial nodes.
  • Strategies for integrating commercial facilities closer to residential areas and promoting diverse housing and workplace options.

12. Implementation Plan

  • A detailed plan outlining steps for the implementation of the new zoning codes.
  • Recommendations for enforcement, monitoring, and ongoing evaluation.

13. Public Presentation Materials

  • Presentation slides and materials for public meetings and hearings.
  • Informational handouts, brochures, etc. for distribution to the community through public participation methodology and during public hearings.

14. Training Materials and Workshops

  • Training materials for local staff on the new zoning codes.
  • Workshops and training sessions to ensure smooth transition and implementation.
  • Provision of support during the initial implementation phase to address any emerging issues.
  • Follow-up reports and recommendations for continuous improvement post-implementation.

B. Meetings

Depending on the individual firm’s specialties, techniques, and methodology the types and frequency of meetings may change. The following meetings and events are suggested as part of the RFQ:

  • Driving tour: corridors, neighborhoods, areas, open spaces
  • Small-scale workshops; to include large and small developers, engineers, and departments.
  • Open house workshops.
  • Analyses presentations
  • Assistance with or presentation of results at public meetings required for adoption of the submittals

III. Submittal Requirements

  1. Sealed Submittal Requirements

Please submit one original copy, one duplicate and one copy on a thumb drive to the following address by August 9, 2024.

City of Clarksville
Purchasing Department
1 Public Square, Suite 301
Clarksville, TN 37040

Request for Information Contact Matthew Galibert: Planner, Clarksville-Montgomery County Regional Planning Commission

E-mail: matthew.galibert@cityofclarksville.com

Office: 931.645.7448

1. Content Requirements

The format below is intended to help provide consistency among submissions to aid in a fair evaluation process. The submission should not exceed 25 pages of substantive materials – excluding cover letter, table of contents, and personnel profiles.

2. Cover Letter

Introduce the firm and briefly indicate interest and qualifications. Include contact information for the primary contact person.

3. Firm Profile

Provide a brief history of the firm, highlighting relevant experience with similar projects. Include information on key personnel. List specific projects including project descriptions, outcomes, and references.

4. Project understanding and Approach

Demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the project’s goals and challenges. Describe the proposed overarching approach and methodology for completing the projects. Provide an appropriately detailed work plan and timeline. If possible, provide up to three examples of relevant projects, in service of localities of a similar size and context.

5. Project Team

Provide an overall team organization chart (including sub-contractors). List the major roles and deliverables assigned to each team member as well as the time each team member has to dedicate to each task. Provide a summary of relevant experience for each project team member. The assigned Project Manager should be present at the interview and the main point of contact for the duration of the project contract period.

6. Company Standard Contract

The Company standard contract should be submitted with the RFQ for contract negotiation with the Clarksville-Montgomery County Regional Planning Agency.

IV. Consultant Selection Process

Submissions will be ranked and discussed across the following criteria. The selection committee will be made up of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Regional Planning Commission Staff and the Steering Committee.

Evaluation Criteria

Experience and Qualifications of the Project Team — 30

Project Understanding, Approach, and Proposed Methodology — 30

References and similar experiences — 30

Compliance with RFQ Requirements — 10

Total Possible Points — 100

V. Selection and Project General Timeline

Request for Qualifications Posted — July 18, 2024

Request for Information Deadline — August 5, 2024

Responses to Requests for Information Deadline —August 7, 2024

Qualifications Submitted Deadline — August 9, 2024

Qualifications Evaluation Deadline (shortlist) — August 16, 2024

Contract Negotiation and Award Letter — August 30, 2024

Project Kick-off — September 3, 2024 OR other agreed upon start date in contract

Project completion and legislative adoption — This is a final deadline though earlier adoption (Q3/Q4 of 2025) is preferred. —December 9, 2025

VI. Other Forms and Additional Information


Request Type
Friday, August 9, 2024