Geographic Information Services Analysis

Rhode Island Division of Statewide Planning (DSP)

Providence, RI

The Rhode Island Division of Statewide Planning (DSP) is soliciting proposals from qualified firms for technical assistance and consulting services to develop new and analyze existing geographic information services (GIS) data related to land use and zoning.

The DSP is seeking several items. The first is to develop new digital information on municipal zoning, future land use, and building permits for all thirty-nine cities and towns. The second item is a time series analysis of the spatial digital information, digital land use land covers, and other development related data published since the adoption of Land Use 2025 in 2006.

The proposals submitted in response to this RFP should address all technical issues related to developing new consistent statewide data and using analytic methods for assessing urban, suburban, island and rural land use patterns.

The RFP can be found on the Purchasing Bid Board under RFP25004516. Key solicitation dates are as follows:

Start Date: Jul 19, 2024
Questions Due: Thursday 8/1/24 at 2:00pm
Solicitation Closes: Friday 8/16/24

Request Type
Friday, August 16, 2024