Nature Center Feasibility Study

Central Pine Barrens Joint Planning & Policy Commission

Westhampton Beach, NY

The Central Pine Barrens Joint Planning and Policy Commission (CPBC) requests proposals from qualified consultants with extensive experience with the preparation of feasibility studies for interpretive nature centers. The feasibility study would evaluate the creation of a state-of-the-art, sustainably designed, interpretive nature center (Center) located within the 106,000-acre Central Pine Barrens (CPB) region in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York for Commission purposes.

The center will function as an educational and interpretive nature center that will include the CPBC's operational headquarters with offices for Commission staff and meeting facilities. Project services requested include planning, project management, GIS analysis, public outreach, programmatic needs analysis, market analysis, and other services as identified in the Scope of Work.

The Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) provides administrative services under contract to the CPBC and therefore on behalf of the CPBC is acting as its purchasing agent for this Request for Proposals (RFP). All responses to this proposal must be submitted to the Suffolk County Water Authority Purchasing Department as indicated in this proposal. The project shall be for a 12 (twelve) month period for an anticipated cost not to exceed $100,000.

Proposal Instructions/ Deadline for Submission: Proposals will be accepted electronically; prospective bidders must submit their proposals via the following website: Proposal shall include company overview, client list, relevant history, and qualifications. Proposals will be received by the Purchasing Manager of said Authority not later than 11:00 a.m. EST on August 16, 2024.

Each proposal must include a firm overview, client list, relevant history, and qualifications. Interested bidders are invited to submit via e-mail or through BidNet, any questions on this RFP to Mr. John Deubel, Purchasing Manager at Questions and answers pertaining to this proposal may be viewed at by clicking on Vendors. Contractors must be registered and must log in to access contract documents, questions, answers and addenda. It shall be the bidder's responsibility to regularly check the websites or, for updated questions and answers, or addenda. Questions must be received no later than 11:00 a.m., three (3) business days prior to bid date.

Bids physically delivered to the SCWA, facsimiles, or emails of unsealed proposals will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Request Type
Friday, August 16, 2024

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