Objective Design Standards

City of Calabasas

Calabasas, CA

The City of Calabasas is seeking a qualified architecture firm, design firm, or other qualified respondent to enter into a PSA to prepare illustrated objective design standards for multi-family and mixed-use development. Standards shall reflect the variety of building types and architectural styles appropriate for the City of Calabasas, and shall address topics including building articulation, massing and bulk, colors and materials, trees and landscaping, character and design of outdoor spaces, window styles for retail and other ground-level commercial, sustainable design, etc. The draft standards will consist of objective design standards applicable to multi-family and mixed-use development, and standards applicable to specific typologies based on development type (apartment building, townhome, mixed-use building, etc), design type, lot size, or other organizing principle. The project team will test the standards on prototypical sites to ensure the standards enable the intended development. Images and exhibits representing a suggested design or standard will also be prepared. The project team will also identify necessary Calabasas Municipal Code (CMC) amendments to implement the objective design standards.

The respondent will also be responsible for reviewing the necessary City documents and 12 opportunity sites as identified in the City's housing element; attending stakeholder workshops and public hearings; and developing an illustrated user guide for implementation of the standards.

For more information, please view the RFP in full at the website linked below.

Request Type
Thursday, October 3, 2024