Historic Resource Evaluations

City of Larkspur

Larkspur, CA

See RFQ at https://cityoflarkspur.org/DocumentCenter/View/20379/RFQ---Contract-Historic-Architectural-Consultants?bidId=77


It is the intent of the City to create a list of selected consultants that are retained by the City to provide project-specific historical evaluations. The selected Consultants shall provide as-needed professional historic resources services as required by the local ordinance and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

City staff may request multiple proposals from the selected consultants for final selection by the property owner, considering the proposal cost and timeline. It is anticipated that services will be needed on a bimonthly basis.

Services may include:

  • Site Visit to the property.
  • Historic Resource Evaluations (HRE), including but no limited to:
    • Architectural Description of any structures on the property.
    • Integrity analysis of any structures on the property.
    • Occupancy Timeline of all occupants of the property from construction to the present.
    • Supplemental research as needed on occupants, architect, builder, and/or property.
  • Evaluation of property and/or project compliance with:
    • The criteria established in Larkspur Municipal Code Section 18.19.020.
    • The Secretary of the Interior's Standards.
    • Recordation of the property on State of California Department of Parks and Recreation 523 (DPR 523) Forms, if appropriate.
  • Attendance at public meetings, presentations to Boards and Commissions as necessary.
  • Peer review of historical resource evaluations submitted by applicants.

Request Type
Thursday, October 24, 2024