Comprehensive Plan Update
City of Harrison
Harrison, OH
City of Harrison - Comprehensive-Plan-RFQ
The City of Harrison, Ohio (the "City") is requesting a Statement of Qualifications (RFQ) from multidisciplined, professional land use planning and development consulting firms to lead in 3 connected projects in a phased approach:
Phase 1 - update of our Comprehensive Plan 'Envision Harrison',
Phase 2 - performing a comprehensive rewrite of the Zoning Code, and
Phase 3 - drafting strategic development plans for specific areas of Harrison
Community Description
The City of Harrison is in northwestern Hamilton County, Ohio, on the Ohio/Indiana State line with two interchanges serving I-74. The city has a population of approximately 13,500 (2023 estimate) and is 5.37 square miles in size. The city has experienced significant growth in recent years with a 35% overall increase of population since 2010 (9,897 residents). This growth has placed more demand on the city for goods, services, and amenities.
For more information and to learn more about our community, please visit the City's website at
Current Plans and Analysis
- Comprehensive Plan 2018 'Envision Harrison' – The City undertook a full Comprehensive Plan revision with the Envision Harrison project.
Goals were provided for seven (7) main topics: Neighborhoods and Housing, Economic Development, Downtown Development, Land Use and Thoroughfare, Urban Design, Community Facilities, and Parks and Open Space.
- Web link - Envision Harrison Plan
- Downtown Strategic Development plan - In 2022, the City applied for and received a matching grant to create a strategic development plan for the greater downtown area. The plan focused on identifying development opportunities that would continue to bring additional retail offerings and restaurants, as well as additional residential investment in existing stock.
- Web link - 2023 Downtown Strategic Plan
Scope of Work (3 phases)
PHASE 1 - Update the 'Envision Harrison' comprehensive plan
While the vision and goals of the 2018 plan remain generally applicable, the effects of the 2020 pandemic and substantial residential growth since the 2010 census have caused a re-evaluation of the strategies and methods required to meet the goals outlined.
Changes in technology utilization, the public's expectations regarding livability and amenities, and the continued trend towards urban living and 'downtowns' have also created a need to adjust planning in support of future growth, and expectations for specific geographic and land use areas. The impact of the JEDD agreement on the ability of the City to grow the income tax base in support of required community services has called for a re-evaluation of available development opportunities.
SCOPE OF WORK PHASE 1: Update the 'Envision Harrison' comprehensive plan
The following scope of work illustrates the City's approach toward the completion of an implementable Comprehensive Plan. Suggestions from the consultant may be included to expand, refine, or improve the conceptual approach while achieving the goals of the final product.
- Analyze current land use patterns, development trends, and infrastructure needs as outlined or referred to by in-place studies.
- Review demographic and economic data to create a robust existing conditions analysis that includes the impacts of the residential growth trends over the past ten years and the recent changes in income tax policy as it relates to supporting community services.
- Review the 'Envision Harrison' document for any inconsistencies, concepts that are no longer applicable or in need of review, or other items that may be of concern with regards to specific goals or strategies. Recommend additional strategies where existing are obsolete or in need of review.
- Engage with stakeholders, including residents, businesses, community organizations, and governmental agencies, to gather input on community needs and priorities.
- Review and update the Planning, Economic and Transportation recommendations within the Envision Harrison document.
- Define a feasible and well-planned Future Land Use Plan that addresses all types of land uses within the City and Township, taking into account the impacts on City services vs income tax resources available. This shall serve as the basis for future rezoning actions and Zoning Code updates in Phase 2.
- Develop sub-area concept plans for identified strategic locations that will include more detailed analysis, and visioning in Phase 3.
- Craft a working plan from the vision, goals and revised objectives. Make recommendations for plan implementation. The tasks should establish indicators, and set targets for each indicator, to help quantifiably measure and track progress. The City will work with the consultant team to support this work.
- Final Deliverables – The final deliverables will be a graphic-rich final Comprehensive plan document and summary document in both printed and digital format. The consultant must also provide a format to be included on the City's website.
The current Zoning Code has undergone numerous updates over the last 10-12 years to address changing priorities and demands on development but has not undergone a comprehensive rewrite. As a result, many regulations and permitted uses are outdated and do not encourage the highest and best use for economic development. A comprehensive rewrite is necessary to eliminate inconsistencies and incorporate planning and zoning best practices with the priorities established in the updated Comprehensive Plan.
The following scope of work illustrates the City's approach to an implementable Zoning Code rewrite and blends with phase 1 and phase 3 work scope items. The City is open to suggestions which the consultant believes will be of value in producing a viable zoning code and have practical applications for day-to-day implementation.
- Current Zoning Code Assessment - work closely with staff in producing an assessment of the existing code and other related sections of the Codified Ordinances.
- Review and identify the goals, policies and implementation strategies of the Comprehensive Plan from phase one of this RFQ to ensure the updated code will be consistent with the plan.
- Existing Planning Documents – Review plans produced by the City that may impact the new Zoning Code. Review existing processes used by the City that may be impacted by the updated Zoning code.
- Engage with stakeholders, including developers, businesses, community organizations, and governmental agencies, to gather input on the current and proposed zoning code.
- Draft Zoning Code - Submit draft sections and maps for review and editing with staff throughout the process. The Draft Zoning Code should provide an emphasis on development-based regulations incorporating design elements, form-based standards, improved landscaping/screening options, light and noise, pedestrian amenities, parking, outdoor storage, simplification of use types and classifications clearly defined, and an improved Planned Unit Development (PUD) element. The Draft Zoning Code should incorporate the existing DRD codes in the downtown area with some modification.
- Legal Review - Coordinate with the City legal counsel to provide a legal opinion on the enforceability of the updated planning and zoning code and zoning map, If applicable.
PHASE 3: Strategic development plans for identified sub-areas in updated Comprehensive Plan
Based on the robust population growth Harrison has seen over the last decade (and the impact this growth has had on City services), and the changes in the general retail and commercial real estate ecosystems, it has become apparent that the intended land use for the remaining undeveloped areas inside the City boundaries will not provide the tax base that will be needed into the future, nor will it provide the amenities or job opportunities that future residents will expect or require.
The JEDD agreement entered with Harrison Township in 2003 stipulates which land uses that annexation can support and which uses that can be satisfied by JEDD membership. Any Harrison Township properties that request City service support and provide land uses other than residential must enter the JEDD and any generated income taxes from institutional, commercial or industrial uses are split between the Township and City.
SCOPE OF WORK PHASE 3: Strategic development plans for identified sub-areas
The following scope of work illustrates the City's approach toward the completion of an implementable plans for identified sub-areas. Suggestions from the consultant may be included to expand, refine, or improve the conceptual approach while achieving the goals of the final product.
- Review and identify the goals, policies and implementation strategies of the updated Comprehensive Plan from phase one of this RFQ as they relate to identified sub-areas.
- Engage with stakeholders, including residents, businesses, and community organizations, to process input and communicate community priorities as they relate to the identified sub-areas.
- Craft working plans for the identified sub-areas from the vision, goals and revised objectives. Make recommendations for plan implementation. The tasks should establish indicators, and set targets for each indicator, to help quantifiably measure and track progress. The City will work with the consultant team to support this work.
Submission Requirements
Format - Each consultant shall submit a formal proposal to include five (5) bound copies.
The proposal shall also be submitted electronically, via email or USB flash drive. The submission must be compatible with Adobe Acrobat, in a single file, and be formatted to print on standard office paper sizes.
- Cover Letter – Cover letter indicating interest in the project, an understanding of the Scope of Work, and familiarity with the planning area. The letter shall be signed by a representative authorized to legally bind the firm, and include name, telephone number, and e-mail address of a contact person with authority to answer questions regarding the proposal (ideally the day-to-day project manager for this work).
- Consultant Team and Qualifications – A description and identification of the companies and individuals involved, their office/work locations, along with the background and experience of these companies and individuals shall be provided. Each key personnel identified in the proposal should provide a resume outlining their experience. The description should include the project team's availability and capacity to perform the work, and an organization chart showing key personnel and their affiliations should be included.
- Project Examples and References – The lead consultant should provide a minimum of three (3) projects for which similar services have been provided, summarize work provided, list key personnel and include the cost of each project. The examples should include contact information for each project including, name of primary client contact, organization, email, and phone number. For each, if any sub-consultant(s) were used, please provide two (2) example projects and references.
- Work Samples - List and provide in electronic format only (either a webpage link to the document or other electronic format) three (3) examples of comprehensive plans and other applicable samples recently completed by the firm or team members.
- Public Outreach and Communication – Provide a description of the proposed public input process that identifies the number of meetings and target audience.
- Project Approach and Work Plan – Describe the project approach by phase, task, and subtasks, including milestone deliverables, meetings, and how the project approach will fulfill the needs of the Scope of Work included in the RFQ. Please indicate your approach to integrate the City and Staff into the project.
- Schedule – Identify a schedule that summarizes all phase, tasks, sub-tasks, deliverables, milestone meetings as well as expected hours to complete described in the proposed work plan. The project is expected to be completed within eighteen (18) months from the award of the project. If an alternative timeline is proposed, the consultant should explain.
Tentative Schedule
Release of RFQ: September 30, 2024
Proposal Submission Deadline: October 25, 2024 at 4:00 PM
Selection Committee Reviews Complete: Nov.1, 2024
Schedule and Conduct Consultant Interviews: Nov. 4 - Nov. 15, 2024
Selection of Preferred Consultant
Deadline and submittal
Proposals should be submitted to the following address no later than 4:00 PM EST on October 25, 2024. Digital copies of the statement and product examples may be submitted via email, on a flash/thumb drive, or via FTP/Dropbox link. All material submitted in accordance with this RFQ becomes property of the City and will not be returned. RFQ statements/copies should be submitted to:
City of Harrison Development Department
Attention: Matt Eisenbraun
300 George Street
Harrison, Ohio 45030
Office: 513.202.8492
Following an evaluation of the submitted statements of qualification, the Consultant Selection Committee will interview any or all firms of interest. Interviews will be conducted in person with the CSC but because the Committee interviews will need to take place in early evening hours, a Teams alternative is available.
Upon the committee selection of the firm determined to be the best qualified to provide the requested services for the Project, the City will enter contract negotiations with this firm.
The City reserves the right to negotiate final scope, terms and price once a specific contractor is selected.