Zoning and Subdivision Code Update
Village of McFarland
McFarland, WI
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to receive competitive proposals from qualified consultants who are interested in completing a comprehensive update of the Village's Zoning Code (Chapter 62 of the Municipal Code, including Appendix B Minimum Landscaping Standards) and Subdivision Code (Chapter 56 of the Municipal Code).
The regulations must be aligned with the Village's Comprehensive Plan, community vision and values, strategic priorities, and contemporary best practice, including but not limited to improving housing supply and affordability, advancing social equity, environmental sustainability and resiliency, reducing carbon emissions, promoting active mobility and future public transportation, enabling of positive public health outcomes, fostering economic prosperity, and improving municipal fiscal conditions. The code must improve the form and function of the built environment and be easily understandable and enforceable. The intent of this reform isn't just to modernize the language and mechanics used in zoning, but the philosophy that underpins it as well.
There are select pieces of the code that have been modified more recently and that may persist with minor modification, however, there is broad recognition that the new codes should start from scratch. A proactive, intentional approach to development regulation is integral to our future as a thriving community that provides the top-tier services and desirable lifestyle that is socially equitable and ecologically and economically sustainable.