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    • How Word Choice Builds More Inclusive Communities

      Rethinking the language we use can foster trust and make people feel welcome.
      by: Jon DePaolis       February 10, 2025
      Rethinking the language we use can foster trust and make people feel welcome.
    • When Driving is Not an Option

      It’s time to recognize and listen to the 25 percent of the U.S. population that doesn’t drive, says author Anna Letitia Zivarts.
      by: Steve Wright       September 05, 2024
      It’s time to recognize and listen to the 25 percent of the U.S. population that doesn’t drive, says author Anna Letitia Zivarts.
    • What Now for Communities and the Unhoused?

      Planners find solutions even before the recent Grants Pass Supreme Court decision.
      by: Daniel Vock       July 02, 2024
      Planners find solutions even before the recent Grants Pass Supreme Court decision.
    • As Gayborhoods Shrink, Pop-Up LGBTQ+ Spaces Can Build Inclusive Communities

      Events are meeting queer people where they are. Here’s how planners can open doors to more.
      by: Aaron Greiner       May 30, 2024
      Events are meeting queer people where they are. Here’s how planners can open doors to more.
    • The New Math of Climate Resilience

      A groundbreaking project in Norfolk, Virginia, multiplies the impact of a $112 million federal grant by making social vulnerability and environmental justice, not just property values, major factors in its calculations.
      by: Jim Morrison       April 18, 2024
      A groundbreaking project in Norfolk, Virginia, multiplies the impact of a $112 million federal grant by making social vulnerability and environmental justice, not just property values, major factors in its calculations.
    • 4 Tools to Empower Data-driven Planning for Climate and Transportation Equity

      Planners can take advantage of the national focus on infrastructure investments to enhance mobility and climate resilience for underserved communities.
      by: Kelly Dunn, David Wasserman, AICP       July 27, 2023
      Planners can take advantage of the national focus on infrastructure investments to enhance mobility and climate resilience for underserved communities.
    • How Cellphone and Fitness App Data is Helping Create Equity in Public Parks

      Park planners harness novel data sources and tools to direct equitable conservation, amenities, and access.
      by: Clement Lau, FAICP       July 20, 2023
      Park planners harness novel data sources and tools to direct equitable conservation, amenities, and access.
    • 3 Essential Tips for Planning with Multilingual Communities

      Community engagement experts offer tested approaches that prevent tokenism, create trust, and foster a sense of belonging.
      by: Rebecca Greenwald       June 09, 2023
      Community engagement experts offer tested approaches that prevent tokenism, create trust, and foster a sense of belonging.
    • Why We Need Queer Urbanism

      Heteronormative planning structures exclude and can even endanger queer people, especially those who are trans and BIPOC.
      by: Aaron Greiner       May 19, 2023
      Heteronormative planning structures exclude and can even endanger queer people, especially those who are trans and BIPOC.
    • Equitable Community Engagement Requires Learning, Self-Reflection, and Transparency

      Five ways planners, engineers, and other allied professionals can establish a long-term, measurable approach to equitable planning.
      by: Jennifer Fierman, AICP, Kristof Devastey, PE, PTOE, PTP, Lindsay Welsch Sveen, PhD       March 23, 2023
      Five ways planners, engineers, and other allied professionals can establish a long-term, measurable approach to equitable planning.
    • Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Planning Profession Is an Evolving Journey

      The Equity in Zoning Policy Guide and Equity in Practice case studies from the American Planning Association help planners move forward on EDI.
      by: Roberta Rewers       February 23, 2023
      The Equity in Zoning Policy Guide and Equity in Practice case studies from the American Planning Association help planners move forward on EDI.
    • Equitable Zoning for Manufactured Housing

      Zoning Practice — April 2024
      by: George Frantz, AICP       April 01, 2024
      This issue of Zoning Practice examines the persistent inequitable treatment of manufactured housing in many local zoning codes and offers considerations for code updates. It begins with brief summaries of the important role manufactured housing plays in supporting housing choice and affordability and includes findings from a five-state analysis of zoning regulations for manufactured housing.
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    • Hurricane Recovery Fails the Financially Vulnerable

      Based on a decade of data from Hurricane Sandy, two New York City planners explore the inequities of disaster mitigation and recovery — and what needs to change to prevent climate gentrification.
      by: Donovan Finn, PhD, Thaddeus Pawlowski       September 30, 2022
      Based on a decade of data from Hurricane Sandy, two New York City planners explore the inequities of disaster mitigation and recovery — and what needs to change to prevent climate gentrification.
    • Transportation Strategist Naomi Doerner Navigates Mobility Justice

      How the country's first transportation equity manager is building a framework to protect the fair and safe movement of people of color.
      by: Sophia Burns       August 31, 2022
      How the country's first transportation equity manager is building a framework to protect the fair and safe movement of people of color.
    • How to Uncover and Honor LGBTQ+ History in the Built Environment

      Kentucky and Maryland are the first states to use historical context studies to highlight places influential to the LGBTQ+ community — and drive planning efforts.
      by: Tatiana Walk-Morris       May 20, 2022
      Kentucky and Maryland are the first states to use historical context studies to highlight places influential to the LGBTQ+ community — and drive planning efforts.
    • A Passion for Planning and Social Justice

      AAPI planner Chancee Martorell talks about raising the visibility of Thai and other immigrant communities, the three Ps of affordable housing, and dedication to “unwavering principle over political expediency.”
      by: Tippe Morlan, AICP       April 28, 2022
      AAPI planner Chancee Martorell talks about raising the visibility of Thai and other immigrant communities, the three Ps of affordable housing, and dedication to “unwavering principle over political expediency.”
    • What Planners Need to Know about Big Data

      Five applications and considerations to help you get started — and prioritize equity and privacy.
      by: Alexsandra Gomez       April 18, 2022
      Five applications and considerations to help you get started — and prioritize equity and privacy.
    • Planning Accessible Communities

      PAS Memo 117
      by: Jeannine Godwin, AICP       July 01, 2023
      This PAS Memo explains the importance of planning and designing truly inclusive communities that engage people with disabilities and meet their accessibility and mobility needs.
      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • A Community-Powered Plan for Cultural Preservation

      From land to language, how Hilton Head Island's Gullah Geechee residents are working with planners to save their culture after generations of displacement.
      by: Philip Walker, FAICP       October 14, 2021
      From land to language, how Hilton Head Island's Gullah Geechee residents are working with planners to save their culture after generations of displacement.
    • 7 Trends Knocking at the Planning Office Door

      In today’s complex world, balancing everyday activities, near-term plans, and visioning for the future is more challenging than ever. APA Foresight has got you covered.
      by: Petra Hurtado, PhD, Alexsandra Gomez       July 08, 2021
      In today's rapidly changing world, it can be tough to stay abreast of all the challenges facing planners. This article explores seven of the most pressing trends for the profession and what they could mean for your community.
    • Dementia-Friendly Public Participation

      Accessible public engagement tools are key to ensuring the built environment meets the needs of community members with dementia and other disabilities.
      by: Samantha Biglieri, PhD, M.Pl.       June 17, 2021
      People living with dementia have the right to be included in the communities in which they live. Fortunately, there are several easy, low-cost accommodations practicing planners can make to better engage them in the planning process.
    • 6 Ways to Help Bridge the Racial Wealth Gap

      Planners can and should play a pivotal role in advancing equitable economic outcomes.
      by: Karen Kazmierczak       March 01, 2021
      Planners might not always have the authority to redirect funding to historically neglected communities, but they can still play a pivotal role in advancing more equitable outcomes. Here are six ways to get started.
    • Eliminating Racial Segregation Is Good Economic Policy

      Income disparities and racial segregation are deeply intertwined, burdening both people of color and the U.S. economy. Here's how we can reverse that trend.
      by: Tatiana Walk-Morris       January 01, 2021
      More than half a century after the Fair Housing Act outlawed policies like redlining, racial segregation continues to plague the U.S.
    • Three Essential Questions for Better Planning

      PAS Memo 110
      by: Kyle Ezell, FAICP CUD       February 01, 2022
      This PAS Memo introduces three essential planning questions that help planners ensure their work benefits as many people as possible, negatively impacts as few people as possible, and includes as many people as possible.
      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • Ending Zoning’s Racist Legacy

      Zoning Practice — January 2022
      by: Jennifer Raitt       January 01, 2022
      This issue of Zoning Practice summarizes how exclusionary zoning practices reinforce patterns of segregation originally established by illegal racial zoning, racially restrictive covenants, and federal policies in the first half of the 20th century. And it highlights steps Boston and Louisville, Kentucky, have taken to begin to rectify these inequities through zoning reforms.
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    • Advancing Racial Equity Through Land-Use Planning

      PAS Memo — May-June 2021
      by: Paul Mogush, AICP
      This edition of PAS Memo explains how the city of Minneapolis addressed racial equity issues in their comprehensive planning process and became the first major U.S. city to eliminate single-family zoning.
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    • Zoning, Land Use, and Local Policies for Environmental Justice

      Zoning Practice — March 2021
      by: Ana Baptista
      This issue of Zoning Practice reviews the relationships among zoning, land use, and environmental justice. It highlights local strategies that illustrate the diversity of approaches cities and counties across the country are using to protect traditionally overburdened areas from noxious land uses.
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    • Partnering with Health Systems on Affordable Housing Investments

      PAS Memo — March-April 2021
      by: Alyia Gaskins       March 01, 2021
      The March/April 2021 edition of PAS Memo explains why and how planners can partner with hospitals and health systems to create more equitable communities through affordable housing development.
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      APA members & PAS subscribers
    • Urban Green Space, Public Health, and Environmental Justice: The Challenge of Making Cities ‘Just Green Enough’

      Landscape and Urban Planning, 125: 234-244, 2014
      by: Jennifer Wolch, Jason Byrne, Joshua Newell
      This article belongs to the Biophilic Planning, Built Environment, and Health and Social Equity collections.
    • Democracy in Action?: NIMBY as Impediment to Equitable Affordable Housing Siting

      Housing Studies, 30(5): 749-769, 2015
      by: Corianne Scally, J. Rosie Tighe
      This article investigates the impact of NIMBYism on affordable housing development, exposing the tension between democracy and equity.
    • “The White Space”

      Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 1(1): 10-21, 2015
      by: Eiljah Anderson
      This article discusses the fact that white people are able to avoid what is conceived as “the black space” while black people are forced to interact with “the white space.”
    • Cohousing's Diversity Problem

      CityLab, August 2017
      by: Amanda Abrams
      This article challenges the cohousing movement for its lack of diversity.
    • This Tactical Urbanist Is Pasting Narratives of Enslaved People All Over Richmond

      Next City, August 2018
      by: Gregory Scruggs, AICP
      This article highlights one woman’s efforts to share history in the former capital of the Confederacy using tactical urbanism.
    • As Disaster Costs Rise, So Does Inequality

      Socius, 4: 1-3, 2018
      by: Junia Howell, James Elliott, AICP
      This article examines how inequalities are reinforced in the aftermath of natural hazards.
    • Planning for Social Equity

      Land Lines, Winter 2017
      by: Kathleen McCormick
      This article tracks what Dallas and Baltimore are doing to center social equity in their planning efforts.
    • Leisure Spaces as Potential Sites for Interracial Interaction: Community Gardens in Urban Areas

      Journal of Leisure Research, 36(3): 336-355, 2004
      by: Kimberly Shinew, Troy Glover, Diana Parry
      This article examines community gardens in St. Louis to answer whether leisure spaces are perceived as an ideal environment for interracial interaction.
    • Paul Davidoff and Advocacy Planning in Retrospect

      Journal of the American Planning Association, 60(2): 139-143, 1994
      by: Barry Checkoway
      This article shares how Paul Davidoff attempted to translate APA's ethical mandate into institutional and individual accountability.
    • Walking in Another's Shoes: Epistemological Challenges in Participatory Planning

      Journal of Planning Education and Research, 21(1): 17-31, 2001
      by: Karen Umemoto
      This article lays out five challenges that planners can have when working with communities that are culturally different from one’s own.
    • Is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Assessment Pilot Program Environmentally Just?

      Environmental Health Perspectives, 110(2): 249-257, 2002
      by: Laura Solitare, Michael Greenberg
      This article assesses the EPA’s brownfields assessment pilot program to determine whether the program is environmentally just.
    • Cities and Diversity: Should We Want It? Can We Plan For It?

      Urban Affairs Review, 41(1): 3-19, 2005
      by: Susan Fainstein
      This article critiques planning’s focus on diversity and advocates instead for the model of the just city.
    • The Geography of Despair: Environmental Racism and the Making of South Phoenix, Arizona, USA

      Human Ecology Review, 12(2): 156-168, 2005
      by: Bob Bolin, Sara Grineski, Timothy Collins
      This article shares the story of residential and economic segregation by race and class in the development of the city of Phoenix, and its legacy of environmental injustice.
    • Promoting Equitable Development

      Indiana Law Review, 34: 1273-1290, 2001
      by: Angela Glover Blackwell
      This article tracks how social and economic changes have created new challenges and opportunities for addressing inequity.
    • Breaking Through to Regional Equity

      Race, Poverty & the Environment, Fall 2008
      by: M. Paloma Pavel
      This article urges planners to take a regional approach to equity planning, given that spatial racism is most visible at this scale.
    • Some Observations on Race in Planning

      Journal of the American Planning Association, 60(2): 235-240, 1994
      by: Robert Mier
      This article includes anecdotes about working with Mayor Harold Washington of Chicago, demonstrating the importance of equity as a clearly stated political priority.
    • A Ladder of Citizen Participation

      Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 35(4): 216-224, 1969
      by: Sherry Arnstein
      This article is a classic text that proposes a typology of citizen participation visualized on the rungs of a ladder, leading from manipulation to citizen control.
    • A Call to Courage: An Open Letter to Canadian Urbanists

      June 2020
      by: Jay Pitter
      This article and online training encourages urbanists working in the Canadian context to respond to discussions of systemic oppression and anti-Black racism occurring across North America.
    • Community Immersion, Trust-Building, and Recruitment Among Hard to Reach Populations: A Case Study of Muslim Women in Detroit Metro Area

      Qualitative Sociology Review, 14(3): 24-44, 2018
      by: Mehri Mohebbi, Annulla Linders, Carla Chifos, AICP
      This article shows that trust is a necessary component for doing research with hard-to-reach populations.
    • Equity Planning Outside City Hall: Rescaling Advocacy to Confront the Sources of Urban Problems

      Journal of Planning Education and Research, 35(3): 296-306, 2015
      by: Marc Doussard
      This article reviews how and when equity planners should partner with outside organizations to push for large-scale redistributive policies.
    • “We're Not in the Business of Housing:" Environmental Gentrification and the Nonprofitization of Green Infrastructure Projects

      Cities, 81(2018): 71-80, 2018
      by: Alessandro Rigolon, Jeremy Nemeth
      This article looks at the procedural justice issues of large green infrastructure projects.
    • Dietary Inequalities: What is the Evidence for the Effect of the Neighbourhood Food Environment?

      Health Place, 27: 229-242, 2014
      by: Christina Black, Graham Moon, Janis Baird
      This article outlines the state of research concerning food environments and dietary intake.

    Showing 1 - 50 of 125 Next >