Douglas County, CO, Comprehensive Master Plan 2040

Adopted August 2019

By: Douglas County, CO
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Hazard Mitigation

The county’s comprehensive plan includes extensive hazard mitigation policy recommendations in its Environmental Quality section. 

This section provides policy recommendations to mitigate geologic (Goal 8-1); flood (Goal 8-2); and wildfire (Goal 8-3) hazard risks.

solar energy

The county's comprehensive plan includes several policies that promote solar energy use. The Comprehensive Plan's Urban Land Use element promotes solar energy utiliization through subdivision and building design, as well as supporting the development and use of renewable energy resources (Policies 2-8A.42-8A.3, 2-8A.4).

Douglas, CO

2010 Population: 285,465

2010 Population Density: 339.74/square mile