Hoboken, NJ, Municipal Code
Updated December 2020
By: City of Hoboken NJ
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Food Systems | Food trucks
The city’s general legislation code provides a chapter on Mobile Retail Food Vendors (§147) that covers the numerous aspects of operations, including a GPS system requirement and prohibition of a seating area. The chapter discusses health regulations, parking, licensing, fees, permits, violations, penalties, enforcement, and supplemental regulations.
Solar energy
The city's zoning code includes a section of general supplementary regulations for solar installations (§196-35.1). The code defines several solar-related terms and provides standards for roof installation that address safety, including requiring a 10' setback from any frontage accessible from the public ROW by a fire department ladder truck, 3' of clearance around fire escape ladders and other points of emergency access, and a remote disconnect requirement. The code also addresses more briefly nonhabitable building installations (on shade structures, carports, solar trellises) and ground-mounted installations. The code requires safety signage to help emergency personal identify and disconnect solar energy systems if necessary. System installation requires a certificate of zoning compliance and a building permit. In historic districts, applications must be approved by the Hoboken Historic Preservation Commission. The code also addresses enforcement and penalties.
Hoboken, NJ
2010 Population: 50,005
2010 Population Density: 39,219.61/square mile