Rock Hill, SC, Zoning Ordinance
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Solar Energy

In the city's zoning ordinance, ground-mounted solar panels or solar thermal collectors are a permitted use in all zoning districts subject to requirements as an accessory use (Sec. 4-400.D.19). In residential districts they must be located to the rear of the principal structure and screened from public streets, must be as close to the ground as practicable and no higher than the principal structure, and the framework must be neutral in color or screened from view from surrounding residential properties (Sec. 4-400.D.19.a). In commercial/institutional/industrial districts, every effort must be made to completely screen the devices from view from public streets. When complete screening is not possible, screening should be done to have minimal visual impact. They must be as close to the ground as practicable and no higher than the principal structure, and the framework must be neutral in color or screened from view from public streets (Sec. 4-400.D.19.b).

Solar installations that are 6 ft. or less in height can project up to 2 feet into a required yard, based on the required yards for accessory structures. Installations taller than 6 ft require a variance to encroach into required yards (Table 5-200.A).

Solar panels up to a maximum of twenty (20) square feet may be used as a power source for lighting fixtures when mounted on the same pole as the fixture. Solar panels larger than twenty (20) square feet must meet the standards of either Section 6-800 for roof-mounted solar installations or Section 4-400 for ground-mounted solar installations (Sec. 6-700.8).

Design standards briefly address solar; if rooftop installations are visible from the street, they must be either building-integrated (solar shingles) or be designed and mounted to match the roof (Sec. 6-800B.2.e).

Residential structures in conservation subdivisions should be oriented to maximize solar gain in the winter months (Sec. 7-200.6.e).

The ordinance defines solar installation, solar panel, and solar thermal collector (Sec. 10-200).

Rock Hill, SC

2010 Population: 66,154

2010 Population Density: 1,851.91/square mile